Thursday 6 June 2013

Understanding Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) in Performance Testing


In performance testing, Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) is a crucial metric used to evaluate system reliability and stability under load. This post explores how to create a scenario to determine MTBF and analyze the results using a practical example.

Scenario Setup:

Let's consider a scenario where we are testing the performance of an airline booking system. Our goal is to determine the system's MTBF by gradually increasing the load until we observe a critical failure point.

Test Steps:

  1. Identify Critical Transactions: Begin by identifying critical transactions in the application, such as searching for flight itineraries or booking tickets. These transactions represent key functionalities that users commonly perform.
  2. Define Load Profile: Determine the load profile for the test, including the number of virtual users (Vusers) and the ramp-up period. Start with a low number of Vusers and gradually increase the load over time.
  3. Execute Load Test: Execute the load test scenario using a performance testing tool like LoadRunner or JMeter. Monitor key performance metrics such as response time, throughput, and error rates.
  4. Analyze Results: Analyze the test results to identify patterns and trends. Look for indicators of system stress, such as a sudden increase in response time or a spike in error rates.

Detailed Analysis:

  • Response Time vs. Vusers Graph: Plot a graph of response time against the number of Vusers. Observe how the response time behaves as the load increases. Look for any sudden spikes or significant increases in response time, indicating potential system stress or failure points.
  • MTBF Calculation: While MTBF is traditionally calculated based on historical data, in performance testing, it can be inferred from the test results. Identify the point at which the system's response time sharply increases or exceeds acceptable thresholds. This critical point represents the MTBF, indicating the load at which the system begins to fail.
  • Capacity Analysis: Determine if the observed failure point represents the system's maximum capacity or if it indicates a bottleneck in a specific transaction or component. Further testing may be required to validate the system's maximum capacity under different scenarios.


Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) is a vital metric in performance testing, providing insights into system reliability and performance under load. By creating a scenario to determine MTBF and analyzing the results, testers can identify critical failure points and optimize system performance for enhanced reliability and user experience.

1 comment:

Avinash said...

Hi Ravi,

thank you for your analysis results.
i had a query- how did u calculate MTBF in this case? like from graph of is it the respinse time(time before sharp increase) is MTBF?

and also is it like 56 users is the maxiumum user for the application or tht particular transaction or thescript flow consisting that transaction?

it would be really helpful for me in understanding if you could answer my questions.
