Saturday 29 July 2023

correlation in Java Vuser Protocol


public class CorrelationExample {
public int init() throws Throwable {
// Perform initialization tasks
return 0;

public int action() throws Throwable {
// Send a request and receive the response
String response = sendRequest();

// Extract dynamic value using regular expressions
String dynamicValue = extractDynamicValue(response);

// Store the dynamic value in a parameter
lr.saveString(dynamicValue, "dynamicParam");

// Replace dynamic value with parameter in subsequent requests
String newRequest = replaceDynamicValueWithParam(response, "dynamicParam");

// Send the updated request

return 0;

public String sendRequest() {
// Send the initial request and receive the response
String response = ""; // Replace with actual request code

return response;

public String extractDynamicValue(String response) {
// Use regular expressions or other methods to extract the dynamic value
String dynamicValue = ""; // Replace with actual extraction code

return dynamicValue;

public String replaceDynamicValueWithParam(String request, String paramName) {
// Replace the dynamic value in the request with the parameter
String newRequest = request.replaceAll("{{dynamicValue}}", lr.evalString(paramName));
return newRequest;

public void sendUpdatedRequest(String request) {
// Send the updated request
// Replace with actual code to send the request

public int end() throws Throwable {
// Perform cleanup tasks
return 0;