Tuesday 26 December 2023

Knowing When to Say Goodbye: Signs It's Time to Resign from Your Job

Deciding to resign from a job is a deeply personal choice, and recognizing the right moment can be challenging. However, certain indicators may signal that it's time to move on. Here are key considerations:

1. Stagnant Growth and Learning:
   If professional development feels stagnant, and opportunities for growth within your current role or organization are scarce, it might be a cue to explore new challenges elsewhere.

2. Consistent Dissatisfaction:
   Persistent feelings of unhappiness or stress may indicate that your current work environment or role isn't a suitable fit for your well-being. Prioritizing your mental and emotional health is crucial.

3. Misalignment of Values:
   Misalignment between personal values and the organization's culture can lead to dissonance. It's essential to work in an environment that resonates with your principles and allows you to thrive.

4. Toxic Work Environment:
   Dealing with a toxic work environment, marked by conflict, lack of support, or disrespect, can negatively impact your overall well-being. In such cases, resigning might be the best choice for your mental health.

5. Work-Life Imbalance:
   If your job consistently consumes too much time and energy, leaving little room for personal life or self-care, reassessing priorities and considering resignation for a better work-life balance may be necessary.

6. A Better Opportunity:
   Sometimes, an enticing opportunity arises that aligns better with your career goals. If careful evaluation suggests the new prospect will be more fulfilling and rewarding, it might be the opportune moment to resign.

In making this significant decision, reflect on your personal and professional goals. Weigh the potential risks and benefits carefully. If uncertainty lingers, seeking advice from trusted mentors or career counselors can provide valuable insights. Remember, your career journey is a dynamic path, and knowing when to transition is a crucial aspect of professional growth.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Navigating the Ethical Minefield: Artificial Intelligence in Job Interviews (AI Proxy)

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly transformed various industries. However, a recent encounter has left me both astonished and apprehensive about the ethical implications of AI in the realm of job interviews.

Just yesterday, a job consultancy reached out to me with a freelance opportunity that seemed too good to be true. The catch? I was expected to conduct proxy interviews for clients in the US and India. While this practice is not unheard of, what sent shivers down my spine was the revelation that an AI tool would be used to mask my face with that of the actual candidate during a live interview.

The immediate concern that comes to mind is the potential for abuse and deception. We've witnessed the rise of deep-fake videos in recent times, showcasing the power of AI to manipulate visual and auditory content. Applying this technology to job interviews raises serious ethical questions about the authenticity of the hiring process.

I expressed my reservations to the consultancy, questioning the feasibility of such a practice. Their response was both shocking and disconcerting—they assured me that an AI tool would seamlessly overlay another person's face on mine during the interview, allowing me to act as a proxy for the candidate.

As someone who has never been a fervent supporter of AI, this encounter only reinforced my concerns. The implications of using AI to impersonate individuals in professional settings extend far beyond the confines of a job interview. It's a slippery slope that could erode the trust and credibility of the entire hiring process.

The use of AI in job interviews should not be viewed through rose-tinted glasses during this "Awww" era of technological advancement. Instead, we must acknowledge the potential threats it poses to the integrity of recruitment processes and, consequently, the workforce.

In an era where deep-fake technology is already causing ripples of misinformation, introducing it into the job market raises the stakes significantly. It's not just about securing a position based on merit; it's about ensuring that the hiring process maintains its fundamental principles of fairness and transparency.

As we navigate this uncharted territory, it's crucial for the industry to establish ethical guidelines and regulations. This isn't just a concern for job seekers; it's a collective responsibility to safeguard the integrity of professional interactions. We must foster awareness and engage in open discussions about the ethical boundaries of AI applications in hiring.

We need to be vigilant and proactive in addressing the ethical concerns surrounding AI in job interviews, ensuring that our workforce is built on a foundation of trust, fairness, and genuine merit.

Companies can take several proactive steps to address the ethical concerns associated with the use of AI in job interviews and prevent potential misuse. Here are some suggestions:

1. Establish Ethical Guidelines:
   Develop and enforce clear ethical guidelines regarding the use of AI in the hiring process. These guidelines should emphasize the importance of transparency, fairness, and the avoidance of deceptive practices.

2. Educate HR Professionals:
   Ensure that HR professionals and interviewers are well-informed about the ethical implications of AI in hiring. Provide training programs to enhance their awareness and understanding of potential risks, promoting responsible AI practices.

3. Use AI Responsibly:
   If companies choose to integrate AI into their hiring processes, ensure that the technology is used responsibly and ethically. Implement safeguards to prevent the misuse of AI, such as monitoring and auditing tools to detect any suspicious activity.

4. Implement Verification Processes:
   Establish robust verification processes to confirm the identity of candidates during interviews. This could involve additional verification steps before or after the interview to ensure that the person being interviewed is indeed the candidate in question.

5. Engage in Industry Collaboration:
   Foster collaboration with industry peers, ethical AI organizations, and regulatory bodies. Participate in discussions and initiatives aimed at establishing industry-wide standards for the ethical use of AI in hiring.

6. Regularly Update Policies:
   Stay abreast of technological advancements and continuously update company policies to address emerging ethical challenges. Regularly review and revise guidelines to adapt to the evolving landscape of AI technology.

7. Encourage Whistleblowing:
   Create a culture that encourages employees to report any unethical practices related to AI in hiring. Implement whistleblower protection policies to ensure that those who come forward with concerns are protected from retaliation.

8. Seek Legal Advice:
   Consult with legal experts to understand the legal implications of using AI in hiring. Ensure compliance with existing laws and regulations, and seek guidance on ethical considerations specific to the company's industry and location.

9. Promote Transparency with Candidates:
   Clearly communicate the use of AI in the hiring process to candidates. Transparency builds trust and allows candidates to make informed decisions about participating in the recruitment process.

10. Monitor and Evaluate:
    Regularly monitor the use of AI in hiring, evaluate its effectiveness, and assess any unintended consequences. Use feedback from candidates and internal stakeholders to make informed decisions about the continued use of AI in the hiring process.

By adopting these measures, companies can demonstrate a commitment to responsible AI practices, maintain the integrity of their hiring processes, and contribute to the establishment of ethical standards within the industry.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Kubernetes Memory Challenges - OOMKilled Issues

In the fast-paced realm of container 
orchestration, encountering Out of Memory (OOM) issues with Pods is not uncommon. Understanding the root causes and implementing effective solutions is crucial for maintaining a resilient and efficient Kubernetes environment. In this guide, we'll delve into common OOMKilled scenarios and provide actionable steps to address each one.

### OOMKilled: Common Causes and Resolutions

#### 1. Increased Application Load

*Cause:* Memory limit reached due to heightened application load.

*Resolution:* Increase memory limits in pod specifications.

#### 2. Memory Leak

*Cause:* Memory limit reached due to a memory leak.

*Resolution:* Debug the application and resolve the memory leak.

#### 3. Node Overcommitment

*Cause:* Total pod memory exceeds node memory.

*Resolution:* Adjust memory requests/limits in container specifications.

### OOMKilled: Diagnosis and Resolution Steps

1. **Gather Information**

   Save `kubectl describe pod [name]` output for reference.

2. **Check Pod Events for Exit Code 137**

   Look for "Reason: OOMKilled" and "Exit Code: 137".

3. **Identify the Cause**

   Determine if container limit or node overcommit caused the error.

4. **Troubleshooting**

   - If due to container limit, assess if the application needs more memory.
   - Increase memory limit if necessary; otherwise, debug and fix the memory leak.
   - If due to node overcommit, review memory requests/limits to avoid overcommitting nodes.
   - Prioritize pods for termination based on resource usage.

Thursday 14 December 2023

Convert JSON to AVRO using Jmeter Groovy scripting

Here is the Groovy script in JMeter to convert JSON to AVRO. Here's a simple example using Groovy:

1. **Add a JSR223 Sampler:**
   - Add a "JSR223 Sampler" to your test plan (Right-click on your Thread Group > Add > Sampler > JSR223 Sampler).

2. **Choose Language:**
   - In the JSR223 Sampler, choose "groovy" as the scripting language.

3. **Write Groovy Script:**
   - Write a Groovy script to convert JSON to Avro. You can use the Avro library for Groovy.

   - Example Groovy script:
     import org.apache.avro.Schema
     import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData
     import org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter
     import org.apache.avro.io.DatumWriter
     import org.apache.avro.io.EncoderFactory
     import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter

     // Your JSON data as a Groovy map
     def jsonData = [
         field1: "value1",
         field2: 42

     // Your Avro schema
     def avroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse('{"type":"record","name":"example","fields":[{"name":"field1","type":"string"},{"name":"field2","type":"int"}]}')

     // Create Avro record
     def avroRecord = new GenericData.Record(avroSchema)
     avroRecord.put("field1", jsonData.field1)
     avroRecord.put("field2", jsonData.field2)

     // Specify the Avro file path
     def avroFilePath = "path/to/your/output.avro"

     // Write Avro record to file
     def datumWriter = new SpecificDatumWriter<>(avroSchema)
     def dataFileWriter = new DataFileWriter<>(datumWriter)
     dataFileWriter.create(avroSchema, new File(avroFilePath))

     log.info "JSON to Avro conversion completed."

   Customize the `jsonData` map, `avroSchema`, and `avroFilePath` according to your actual data.

4. **Run the Test:**
   - Save your test plan.
   - Run the test.

How to encrypt login credentials in your JMeter script?

Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can encrypt login credentials in your JMeter script to avoid storing them in the JTL file:

1. **Use __groovy Function for Encryption:**
   - Add a JSR223 PreProcessor to your login request in JMeter.
   - Choose the "groovy" language in the PreProcessor.
   - Write a Groovy script to encrypt your credentials using a secure algorithm. For example:

     def username = 'your_username'
     def password = 'your_password'

     // Perform encryption logic, for example, using Base64 encoding
     def encryptedUsername = username.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
     def encryptedPassword = password.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()

     // Set the encrypted values to JMeter variables
     vars.put('encryptedUsername', encryptedUsername)
     vars.put('encryptedPassword', encryptedPassword)

2. **Modify Login Request with Encrypted Variables:**
   - Update your login request parameters to use the variables you just set (`${encryptedUsername}`, `${encryptedPassword}`).

3. **Securely Store Sensitive Information:**
   - If you still want to avoid storing the credentials in the JTL file, consider storing them securely outside the script.
   - Use JMeter properties or define user-defined variables in the Test Plan or User Defined Variables Config Element.

4. **Run and Verify:**
   - Run your test and verify that the credentials are now encrypted and not exposed in the JTL file.

Remember to choose a secure encryption method based on your security requirements and always handle sensitive information with care. If you have specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

Monday 7 August 2023

Export RAW analysis data to excel in Load runner | How to export RAW data to excel in LR Analysis

In the Analysis tool, exporting Raw Data to Excel might encounter limitations where not all rows are exported. This issue arises due to a well-known restriction within Microsoft Office Excel, which imposes a maximum row limit of 65,536 for .xls files. Additionally, specific settings within Analysis need adjustment to address this concern.

Dealing with Aggregation:
To address the issue of "Aggregated Data" replacing individual user IDs, it's important to understand Analysis' aggregation feature. Users have the option to disable aggregation to ensure results display relevant user IDs instead of the "Aggregated Data" label. Follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Menu -> Tools -> Options...
2. Select the "Result collection" tab.
3. In the "Data aggregation" section, choose "Automatically aggregate Web data only."
4. Reanalyze the results with these new settings to reflect the changes.

This adjustment allows all data to load with accurate user IDs, enhancing result clarity.

Handling Large Raw Data:
Given the substantial size of results, Analysis may not display them in full. Typically, only the first 100,000 records are shown, accompanied by a warning message. Users can expand this limit to accommodate larger datasets. Follow these steps:

1. Open the <LR>\bin\dat\GeneralSettings.txt file.
2. In the [general] section, add or edit the key: RawDataLimit=1700000.
3. Note that this modification increases the limit but demands more memory to construct the raw data.
4. After making these changes, reopen the Analysis results.

Optimal Export to Excel:
When exporting Raw Data to Excel, selecting the csv (Comma-Separated Values) format is recommended over the xls format due to the limitations of .xls files. Since Analysis doesn't yet support .xlsx files, opting for csv ensures compatibility. Once in the csv format, you can save the file using the available formats in Excel.

Saturday 29 July 2023

correlation in Java Vuser Protocol

import lrapi.lr;

public class CorrelationExample {
public int init() throws Throwable {
// Perform initialization tasks
return 0;

public int action() throws Throwable {
// Send a request and receive the response
String response = sendRequest();

// Extract dynamic value using regular expressions
String dynamicValue = extractDynamicValue(response);

// Store the dynamic value in a parameter
lr.saveString(dynamicValue, "dynamicParam");

// Replace dynamic value with parameter in subsequent requests
String newRequest = replaceDynamicValueWithParam(response, "dynamicParam");

// Send the updated request

return 0;

public String sendRequest() {
// Send the initial request and receive the response
String response = ""; // Replace with actual request code

return response;

public String extractDynamicValue(String response) {
// Use regular expressions or other methods to extract the dynamic value
String dynamicValue = ""; // Replace with actual extraction code

return dynamicValue;

public String replaceDynamicValueWithParam(String request, String paramName) {
// Replace the dynamic value in the request with the parameter
String newRequest = request.replaceAll("{{dynamicValue}}", lr.evalString(paramName));
return newRequest;

public void sendUpdatedRequest(String request) {
// Send the updated request
// Replace with actual code to send the request

public int end() throws Throwable {
// Perform cleanup tasks
return 0;

Thursday 27 July 2023

common issues and solutions while Citrix ICA Protocol

During script replay in a Citrix WinSock protocol-based environment, several common issues may arise. These issues can affect the successful execution and accurate replay of the recorded script. Here are some typical problems encountered during script replay and their potential causes:

1. Citrix session initialization: If the Citrix session fails to initialize properly during replay, it may result in connection failures or an inability to access the desired applications or desktops. This can be caused by incorrect configuration settings, network connectivity issues, or issues with the Citrix server.

2. Dynamic data handling: Citrix sessions often involve dynamic data, such as session IDs or timestamps, which may vary between recording and replay. If these dynamic values are not appropriately correlated or parameterized in the script, it can lead to failures during replay. Ensure that dynamic values are captured and replaced with appropriate parameters or correlation functions.

3. Timing and synchronization issues: Timing-related problems can occur if there are delays or differences in response times between the recording and replay sessions. This can lead to synchronization issues, where the script may fail to find expected UI elements or perform actions within the expected time frame. Adjusting think times, adding synchronization points, or enhancing script logic can help address these issues.

4. Window or screen resolution changes: If the Citrix session or client machine has a different window or screen resolution during replay compared to the recording, it can cause elements or UI interactions to fail. This can be resolved by adjusting the script or ensuring that the client machine and Citrix session are configured with consistent resolution settings.

5. Application changes or updates: If the application or desktop being accessed through Citrix undergoes changes or updates between recording and replay, it can result in script failures. Elements, UI structures, or workflows may have changed, leading to script errors. Regularly validate and update the script to accommodate any changes in the application under test.

6. Network or connectivity issues: Network or connectivity problems during replay can impact the successful execution of the script. These issues can include network latency, packet loss, or firewall restrictions. Troubleshoot and address any network-related problems to ensure smooth script replay.

7. Load or performance-related issues: During load or performance testing, issues such as resource contention, high server load, or insufficient server capacity can impact the replay of Citrix scripts. These issues can result in slow response times, connection failures, or application unavailability. Monitor server and network performance, and optimize the infrastructure as needed to address these problems.

When encountering replay issues, it is essential to analyze error logs, server logs, and performance metrics to identify the root causes of failures. Reviewing the recorded script, correlating dynamic values, adjusting synchronization points, and updating the script to reflect application changes are typical troubleshooting steps to resolve replay issues. Additionally, referring to Citrix documentation, seeking support from Citrix forums or support channels, and collaborating with Citrix administrators can provide further insights and assistance in addressing specific replay issues in your Citrix WinSock protocol-based environment.

Tuesday 25 July 2023

How to insert Rendezvous point in True Client Script in Load runner

In TruClient, the Rendezvous point is a synchronization point that allows you to control the flow of the script and make it wait for a specific event or condition before proceeding further. Rendezvous points are helpful when you want to simulate multiple users or when you need to ensure that a specific action occurs at the same time for all virtual users.

To insert a Rendezvous point in a TruClient script, follow these steps:

1. Open the TruClient script in TruClient IDE (VuGen).

2. Identify the step where you want to insert the Rendezvous point. Typically, you place the Rendezvous point before a critical action or during a specific synchronization point.

3. In the TruClient Sidebar, click on the "Step" menu to display the list of available step types.

4. Look for the "Rendezvous" step type, and click on it to add it to your script.

5. After adding the Rendezvous step, a dialog box will appear. You can set a name for the Rendezvous point to help identify it in the script.

6. Configure the synchronization settings for the Rendezvous point. You can choose between "Wait for other Vusers" or "Wait for specific timer." If you select "Wait for other Vusers," it will wait until all virtual users reach the Rendezvous point before continuing. If you choose "Wait for specific timer," you can set a timer to wait for a specific duration before proceeding.

7. Save your script.

That's it! The Rendezvous point is now inserted into your TruClient script. When running multiple virtual users, they will all pause at the Rendezvous point until the conditions you've set are met, ensuring they proceed together.

Monday 10 July 2023

How to Convert Postman Collection to Apache JMeter (JMX)?

To convert a Postman collection to Apache JMeter's JMX (JMeter Test Plan) format, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Export the Postman Collection
1. Open Postman and ensure you have the collection you want to convert.
2. Right-click on the collection and select "Export".
3. Choose the format as "Collection v2.1 (JSON)" and save the file.

Step 2: Install the Postman Collection Converter Plugin (Optional)
If you prefer using a plugin to convert the collection, you can install the "Postman Collection Converter" plugin in JMeter.

1. Open JMeter and go to "Options" in the top menu.
2. Click on "Plugins Manager".
3. In the "Available Plugins" tab, search for "Postman Collection Converter".
4. Select the plugin and click on "Apply Changes and Restart JMeter".
5. JMeter will restart with the plugin installed.

Step 3: Convert the Postman Collection to JMX (JMeter Test Plan)
There are two methods to convert the Postman Collection to JMX in JMeter: using the plugin or using a manual process.

Method 1: Using the Postman Collection Converter Plugin
1. Open JMeter.
2. Go to "File" in the top menu and select "Postman Collection Converter".
3. Click on "Choose File" and select the Postman Collection JSON file you exported.
4. Click on "Convert" to start the conversion process.
5. Once the conversion is complete, save the JMX file with the desired name and location.

Method 2: Manual Conversion Process
1. Open JMeter.
2. Create a new Test Plan by going to "File" > "Templates" > "Test Plan".
3. In the Test Plan, right-click on "Test Plan" in the tree view and select "Add" > "Threads (Users)" > "Thread Group".
4. Configure the Thread Group properties according to your requirements (e.g., number of threads, ramp-up time, loop count).
5. Right-click on the Thread Group and select "Add" > "Sampler" > "HTTP Request".
6. Configure the HTTP Request sampler based on the first request in your Postman Collection. Set the URL, method, headers, and body parameters accordingly.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each request in your Postman Collection, adding more HTTP Request samplers to the Thread Group.
8. If there are any additional elements in your Postman Collection, such as assertions or variables, add them to the corresponding JMeter elements (e.g., Assertions, Variables, etc.).
9. Save the JMX file with the desired name and location.

Tuesday 4 July 2023

How to Integrate Azure Devops with Load runner?

The integration of Azure DevOps with LoadRunner offers several benefits for software development and testing teams. Here are some key uses and advantages of this integration:

Automated Performance Testing: Azure DevOps allows you to incorporate LoadRunner tests into your CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated performance testing as part of your development process. This ensures that performance testing is executed consistently and regularly, helping identify and address performance issues early in the development lifecycle.

Seamless Collaboration: By integrating LoadRunner with Azure DevOps, you can centralize your performance testing efforts within the same platform used for project management, version control, and continuous integration. This promotes seamless collaboration among development, testing, and operations teams, streamlining communication and enhancing efficiency.

Version Control and Traceability: Azure DevOps provides version control capabilities, allowing you to track changes to your LoadRunner test scripts and configurations. This ensures traceability and provides a historical record of test modifications, facilitating collaboration and troubleshooting.

Test Reporting and Analytics: Azure DevOps offers powerful reporting and analytics features, which can be leveraged to gain insights into performance test results. You can visualize and analyze test metrics, identify performance trends, and generate reports to share with stakeholders. This helps in making data-driven decisions and identifying areas for performance optimization.

Continuous Monitoring and Alerting: Azure DevOps integration allows you to incorporate LoadRunner tests into your continuous monitoring and alerting systems. You can set up thresholds and notifications based on performance test results, enabling proactive monitoring of performance degradation or anomalies in production environments.

Scalability and Flexibility: Azure DevOps provides a scalable and flexible infrastructure to execute LoadRunner tests. You can leverage Azure cloud resources to spin up test environments on-demand, reducing the need for maintaining dedicated infrastructure and improving resource utilization.

How to integrate Azure DevOps with LoadRunner:

Set up LoadRunner in Azure DevOps:

1. Ensure you have an active Azure DevOps account.
2. Create a new project or select an existing project in Azure DevOps.
3. Navigate to the project settings and select the "Service connections" option.
4. Create a new service connection of type "Generic" or "Others".
5. Provide the necessary details such as the connection name, URL, and authentication method (username/password or token).
6. Save the service connection.

Install LoadRunner Extension in Azure DevOps:

1. In your Azure DevOps project, go to the "Extensions" section.
2. Search for the "LoadRunner" extension and install it.
3. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Configure LoadRunner tasks in Azure DevOps pipeline:

1. Create a new or edit an existing Azure DevOps pipeline for your LoadRunner tests.
2. Add a new task to your pipeline.
3. Search for the "LoadRunner" task and add it to your pipeline.
4. Configure the LoadRunner task with the necessary parameters, such as the path to your LoadRunner test script, test settings, and other options.
5. Save and commit your pipeline changes.

Run the LoadRunner tests in Azure DevOps:

1. Trigger a build or release pipeline in Azure DevOps that includes the LoadRunner task.
2. Azure DevOps will execute the LoadRunner task, which will run your LoadRunner tests based on the configured parameters.
3. Monitor the test execution progress and results in Azure DevOps.

That's it, Happy Testing!

Monday 3 July 2023

How to use .pem and .key certificate files in vugen load runner scripting | How to import .pem & .Key certificates in vugen

To use ".pem" and ".key" certificate files in LoadRunner VuGen scripting, you can follow these steps:

1. Place the ".pem" and ".key" files in a location accessible to your VuGen script, such as the script folder or a shared location.

2. Open your VuGen script and navigate to the appropriate section where you need to use the certificate.

3. In the script editor, add the following lines of code to load and use the certificate files:

web_set_certificate_ex("<pem_file_path>", "<key_file_path>", "cert_password");

Replace "<pem_file_path>" with the path to your ".pem" file and "<key_file_path>" with the path to your ".key" file. If the certificate is password-protected, replace "cert_password" with the actual password.

4. Save your script.

By using the 'web_set_certificate_ex' function, you instruct VuGen to load the specified ".pem' and ".key" files and use them for SSL/TLS communication during script execution.

Make sure the certificate files are valid and properly formatted. If there are any issues with the certificate files, the script may fail to execute or encounter SSL/TLS errors.

Method 2:

1. Launch VuGen: Open LoadRunner VuGen and create a new script or open an existing one.

2. Recording Options: In the VuGen toolbar, click on "Recording Options" to open the recording settings dialog box.

3. Proxy Recording: In the recording settings dialog box, select the "Proxy" tab. Enable the "Enable proxy recording" option if it is not already enabled.

4. Certificate Settings: Click on the "Certificate" button in the recording settings dialog box. This will open the certificate settings dialog box.

5. Import Certificates: In the certificate settings dialog box, click on the "Import" button to import the .pem and .key certificates. Browse to the location where the certificates are stored and select the appropriate files.

6. Verify Certificates: After importing the certificates, verify that they appear in the certificate list in the settings dialog box. Make sure that the certificates are associated with the correct domains or URLs that you want to record.

7. Apply and Close: Click on the "OK" button to apply the certificate settings and close the certificate settings dialog box.

8. Save Recording Options: Back in the recording settings dialog box, click on the "OK" button to save the recording options.

9. Start Recording: Start the recording process by clicking on the "Start Recording" button in the VuGen toolbar. Make sure to set the browser's proxy settings to the address and port specified in the recording options.

10. Proceed with Recording: Perform the actions that you want to record in the web application or system under test. VuGen will capture the network traffic, including the HTTPS requests and responses.During the recording process, VuGen will use the imported .pem and .key certificates to handle SSL/TLS connections and decrypt the HTTPS traffic. This allows VuGen to record and analyze the encrypted data exchanged between the client and the server.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

What is SSL? | Secure Sockets Layer SSL

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is a security protocol that uses modern encryption for sending as well as receiving sensitive information all over the internet. It works by creating a secure channel between a user’s browser as well as the site’s server to which the user wants to connect to and then any information that passes through this secure channel is encrypted at one end as well as decrypted upon receipt on the other end. Therefore, even if someone this information, it won’t be on any use to them because of the encryption of the information.

Sites can enable SSL by getting an SSL certificate. Browsers can detect this certificate, which lets them know that this connection needs to be encrypted. It is very easy for users to recognize whether they are visiting an SSL-enabled site or not by spotting a tiny lock preceding the website URL. Also, sites using SSL are identifiable via their use of the https instead of http.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

Converting Fiddler Session To load runner script | Fiddler to generate load runner vugen script

To convert Fiddler traffic to a LoadRunner script, you can follow these general steps:

1. Capture Traffic in Fiddler: Launch Fiddler and start capturing the desired traffic by clicking the "Start Capture" button. Perform the actions you want to record, such as navigating through web pages or interacting with a web application.

2. Export Traffic Sessions: Once you have captured the necessary traffic, go to Fiddler's "File" menu and choose "Export Sessions > All Sessions" to save the captured traffic sessions to a file on your computer.

3. Convert Sessions to LoadRunner Script: Now, you need to convert the exported sessions into a LoadRunner script format. This process involves parsing the captured traffic and generating the corresponding script code. LoadRunner does not have a direct built-in feature for importing Fiddler sessions, so you'll need to use a third-party tool or script to perform the conversion.

One popular approach is to use a tool called "Fiddler2LR" developed by the LoadRunner community. It is an open-source tool that converts Fiddler sessions to LoadRunner scripts. You can find the tool and instructions on how to use it on GitHub or other community websites. Alternatively, you can write a custom script or use a programming language of your choice to parse the exported sessions and generate the LoadRunner script code manually. This approach requires more technical expertise and knowledge of LoadRunner's scripting language.

4. Adjust Script Logic: After the conversion, review the generated LoadRunner script code and make any necessary adjustments or enhancements. LoadRunner scripts often require modifications to handle dynamic values, correlations, think times, and other performance testing-related considerations.

5. Import and Enhance the Script in LoadRunner: Finally, import the generated LoadRunner script into the LoadRunner IDE or controller, where you can further enhance it by adding performance test scenarios, configuring load profiles, adjusting user profiles, and specifying other test parameters as needed.

Remember that the process of converting Fiddler traffic to a LoadRunner script may vary depending on the complexity of your application and the specific requirements of your performance test. It's crucial to have a good understanding of LoadRunner scripting and performance testing concepts to ensure an accurate and effective conversion.

Monday 22 May 2023

Call one sampler (HTTP) from another sampler (JSR223) in JMeter | Jmeter Sampler Integration

 Yes, it is possible to call one sampler (HTTP) from another sampler (JSR223) in JMeter. JMeter provides flexibility to customize and control the flow of your test plan using various components, including JSR223 samplers.

To call an HTTP sampler from a JSR223 sampler, you can use the JMeter API within the JSR223 sampler code. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

1. Add a JSR223 Sampler to your test plan.
2. Choose the appropriate language (e.g., Groovy) for the JSR223 sampler.
3. Write your custom code in the script area of the JSR223 sampler to call the HTTP sampler using the Jmeter API.

Groovy Code:

import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSampleResult;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerProxy;

// Get the HTTP sampler by its name
def httpSampler = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getThreadContext().getVariables().getObject("HTTPSamplerProxy")

// Make sure the HTTP sampler is not null
if (httpSampler != null) {
    // Execute the HTTP sampler
    def httpResult = httpSampler.sample()
    // You can access the response code, response message, and other details from the HTTP result
    int responseCode = httpResult.getResponseCode()
    String responseMessage = httpResult.getResponseMessage()
    // Process the HTTP result as needed
    // ...

In the above example, we obtain the HTTP sampler using the `getObject()` method from the JMeter `ThreadContext` and then execute the HTTP sampler using the `sample()` method. You can access and process the response details according to your requirements.

Please make sure you have properly configured and added the HTTP sampler to your test plan before using it within the JSR223 sampler. Remember to replace the language-specific code (`groovy` in this example) if you choose a different language for your JSR223 sampler.

Thursday 18 May 2023

IP Spoofing in Jmeter | How to do ip spoof in jmeter?

What is IP spoofing?

IP spoofing is the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets which have a modified source address in order to either hide the identity of the sender, to impersonate another computer system, or both. It is a technique often used by bad actors to invoke DDoS attacks against a target device or the surrounding infrastructure.

In JMeter, you can simulate IP addresses by using the "HTTP Request Defaults" configuration element along with the "HTTP Header Manager" and "User Defined Variables" components. 

Steps to do IP Spoofing in Jmeter:

1. Open your JMeter test plan.
2. Add a "HTTP Request Defaults" configuration element by right-clicking on your Test Plan and selecting "Add > Config Element > HTTP Request Defaults."
3. In the "HTTP Request Defaults" panel, enter the target server's IP address or hostname in the "Server Name or IP" field.
4. Add a "User Defined Variables" component by right-clicking on your Thread Group and selecting "Add > Config Element > User Defined Variables."
5. In the "User Defined Variables" panel, define a variable for the IP address you want to spoof. For example, you can set a variable name like `ip_address` and assign a value like ``.
6. Add a "HTTP Header Manager" component by right-clicking on your Thread Group and selecting "Add > Config Element > HTTP Header Manager."
7. In the "HTTP Header Manager" panel, click on the "Add" button and set the following fields:
- Name: `X-Forwarded-For`
- Value: `${ip_address}` (referring to the variable defined in step 5)

Now, when you send requests using JMeter, it will include the `X-Forwarded-For` header with the spoofed IP address.

Thursday 4 May 2023

Whats the use of web_set_rts_key function in load runner | Overwrite HTTP erros in load runner


The `web_set_rts_key` function in LoadRunner is used to set custom key-value pairs in the Run-Time Settings (RTS). The RTS contains various settings that control how a script behaves during replay, including settings related to logging, timeouts, and error handling.

The `web_set_rts_key` function allows you to customize the RTS by setting custom key-value pairs. One common use of this function is to set the `HttpErrorsAsWarnings` key to a value of `1`. This tells LoadRunner to treat HTTP errors (such as 404 Not Found errors) as warnings rather than errors. When a HTTP error is treated as a warning, LoadRunner continues replaying the script instead of stopping the replay. The `web_set_rts_key("key=HttpErrorsAsWarnings","Value=1",LAST)` function is used to set a custom key-value pair in the RTS that tells LoadRunner to treat HTTP errors as warnings during replay. This can be useful in certain situations where you want the script to continue running even if it encounters HTTP errors.

If you use web_set_rts_key("key=HttpErrorsAsWarnings","Value=0",LAST); the `HttpErrorsAsWarnings` key is set to a value of 0. This key controls whether HTTP errors are treated as warnings or errors. When `HttpErrorsAsWarnings` is set to 1, HTTP errors are treated as warnings, and the Vuser continues executing the script. When it is set to 0, HTTP errors are treated as errors, and the Vuser stops executing the script and fails the transaction.

 `web_set_rts_key("key=HttpErrorsAsWarnings","Value=0",LAST)` is used to set the `HttpErrorsAsWarnings` key to 0, which makes HTTP errors treated as actual errors in the LoadRunner/VuGen performance testing script.

Tuesday 2 May 2023

Recording Excel with Macro Enabled in LoadRunner | Record excel with load runner

To record an Excel sheet with macro enabled in LoadRunner, you will need to use a combination of the Windows Sockets protocol and the Microsoft Excel Add-In protocol. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Open LoadRunner and create a new script.
2. In the Vuser Protocols dialog box, select "Windows Sockets" and click "OK".
3. In the Recording Options dialog box, select "Launch the following application" and enter the path to the Excel application with the macro enabled.
4. Click "Advanced" and select "Microsoft Excel Add-In" from the list of protocols.
5. Click "OK" to close the Advanced dialog box and "OK" again to close the Recording Options dialog box.
6. Start the recording process and perform the desired actions in Excel, including running the macro.
7. Stop the recording process and save the script.Once you have recorded the script, you can modify it to add the necessary parameters and data for your performance test, including any additional steps required to run the macro as part of the test.

Performance Testing automation in Azure Boards using JMeter

To perform performance testing in Azure Boards using JMeter tool, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a new repository in Azure DevOps that will hold the JMeter test plan file and any supporting files that are needed.

2. In the repository, create a new folder for the JMeter test plan and any supporting files. 

3. Add the JMeter test plan file and any supporting files to the folder.

4. Create a new build pipeline in Azure DevOps that will run the JMeter test.

5. Add the JMeter extension to the build pipeline.

6. Configure the JMeter extension to use the JMeter test plan file and any supporting files in the repository.

7. Set the build pipeline to run on a schedule or to trigger when a new build is created.

8. Run the build pipeline and view the JMeter test results in the build summary.

9. Analyze the test results and identify any performance issues that need to be addressed.

10. Use the insights gained from the test results to make improvements to the application or system under test.

Saturday 29 April 2023

Performance Testing - Common Database issues | DB issues in Performance testing

Here are some common DB performance issues and their solutions:

1. Slow queries: Queries that take a long time to execute can cause the database to become unresponsive. One solution is to optimize the queries by using indexes and avoiding unnecessary joins.

2. Too many connections: When too many connections are established to a database, it can cause performance issues. One solution is to limit the number of connections or to use a connection pool.

3. Poor indexing: Without proper indexing, the database may have to scan the entire table to find the data it needs, which can slow down performance. One solution is to create indexes on the columns used in frequently executed queries.

4. Insufficient hardware resources: If the database server does not have enough CPU, memory, or disk resources, it can cause performance issues. One solution is to upgrade the hardware or optimize the configuration of the existing hardware.

5. Locking and blocking: When multiple users access the same data, locking and blocking can occur, causing performance issues. One solution is to use row-level locking instead of table-level locking.

6. Fragmentation: Over time, data can become fragmented, causing performance issues. One solution is to perform regular maintenance tasks, such as defragmenting the database.

7. Poorly designed schema: A poorly designed database schema can cause performance issues. One solution is to redesign the schema to better reflect the application's data access patterns.

8. Inefficient use of database connections: If an application does not use database connections efficiently, it can cause performance issues. One solution is to use connection pooling or optimize the code that accesses the database.

Tuesday 25 April 2023

VUser memory foot prints load runner | Calculating Memory Requirements for Vusers in LoadRunner: Protocol-Specific Considerations

How much memory will take by a single vuser when we run the script in load runner?

The number of bytes consumed by each protocol in LoadRunner can vary depending on several factors such as the size and complexity of the script, the type of application being tested, and the specific actions being performed by the Vusers. LoadRunner provides a resource monitoring tool called "Performance Monitor" that can be used to track the memory usage of a Vuser during a load test. By analyzing the memory usage data collected by the Performance Monitor, you can estimate the amount of memory consumed by a single Vuser. Here is my experience with different protocols memory foot prints.

Web HTTP/HTML Protocol: a single Vuser running a script with the Web HTTP/HTML protocol can consume anywhere from a few hundred kilobytes to several gigabytes of memory depending on the factors mentioned above. It is important to note that the memory usage can increase over time as the Vuser executes more transactions and the amount of data being processed and stored in memory grows. In my previous testing with 1000 user load, each Vuser took 5MB -50 MB per transaction.

Web Services API Protocol: In this the Vuser will take very less amount of memory that is from 1MB - 5 MB, also note that in some cases it may raise and go up to 50 MB asvwell.

Citrix Protocol: The minimum number of bytes consumed by the Citrix protocol is around 5-10 kilobytes per transaction, which includes the Citrix-specific protocol overhead. The maximum number of bytes can be several hundred kilobytes, depending on the size of the screen being transferred.

SAP GUI Protocol: The minimum number of bytes consumed by the SAP GUI protocol is around 50-100 kilobytes per transaction, which includes the SAP-specific protocol overhead. The maximum number of bytes can be several megabytes, depending on the size of the data being transferred.

Oracle NCA Protocol: The minimum number of bytes consumed by the Oracle NCA protocol is around 50-100 kilobytes per transaction, which includes the protocol overhead. The maximum number of bytes can be several megabytes, depending on the size of the data being transferred.

TruClient Protocol: The number of bytes consumed by can vary depending on the complexity of the web application being tested, the number of browser requests and responses, and the specific actions being performed by the Vuser. Some approximate numbers are

The minimum number of bytes consumed by TruClient is around 200-300 bytes per transaction, which includes the HTTP request and response headers. However, this can vary based on the size and complexity of the web page being loaded.

The maximum number of bytes consumed by TruClient can be several megabytes, depending on the size of the web page being loaded, the number of assets (such as images and videos) being transferred, and the specific actions being performed by the Vuser.

It's important to remember that these are only estimates, and the precise amount of bytes used by each transaction can change depending on a variety of different variables. It is therefore advised to count the precise number of bytes used by each transaction using LoadRunner's monitoring tools or other third-party tools while the script is being executed.

Wednesday 19 April 2023

Neotys team server cannot be reached. please check the server configuration error in neoload

The error message suggests that there may be an issue with the configuration of the Neotys team server. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve the issue:

  • Check the server configuration: Ensure that the server configuration is correct and that the necessary services are running. You may want to consult the documentation or contact the vendor for further assistance.

  • Check network connectivity: Verify that the team server is accessible from the network where you are trying to connect. Check if there are any network issues or firewalls that could be blocking the connection.

  • Restart the team server: Try restarting the Neotys team server and see if this resolves the issue.

  • Update the team server: If there is an available update for the team server, consider updating to the latest version as it may address the issue you are facing.

  • Contact Neotys support: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, you may want to contact Neotys support for further assistance. They should be able to provide more detailed troubleshooting steps and help you resolve the issue.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

java.lang.runtime exception unable to resolve service by in working protec:unable to execute protoc binary

java.lang.runtime exception unable to resolve service by in working protec:unable to execute protoc binary

If your Jmeter script throws this error for gRPC script it could be related to the protocol buffer (protobuf) binary file not being found or not being able to execute it. To resolve this error, follow these steps:

  • Make sure that protobuf is installed on your system and the binary file is available in the PATH environment variable.
  • Check the JMeter log files for more information about the error, such as the exact path to the protoc binary file.
  • Verify that the protoc binary file is executable by running the following command in a terminal: 
  • 'chmod +x path/to/protoc'
  • If the protoc binary file is not available on your system, download it from the official protobuf website and add the binary file to the PATH environment variable.
  • Check JMeter and gRPC versions
  • Restart JMeter and try running your test plan again.


  • RESTful APIs and gRPC have significant differences in terms of their underlying technology, data format, and API contract requirements.
  • Unlike RESTful APIs that use HTTP/1.1, gRPC is built on top of the newer and more efficient HTTP/2 protocol. This allows for faster communication and reduced latency, making gRPC ideal for high-performance applications.
  • Another key difference is in the way data is serialized. gRPC uses Protocol Buffers, a binary format that is more compact and efficient compared to the text-based JSON format used by REST. This makes gRPC more suitable for applications with large payloads and high traffic volume.
  • In terms of API contract requirements, gRPC is more strict than REST. The API contract must be clearly defined in the proto file, which serves as the single source of truth for the API. On the other hand, REST's API contract is often looser and more flexible, although it can be defined using OpenAPI.

Overall, both RESTful APIs and gRPC have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of the application.

How to create a gRPC script with Jmeter? Jmeter-gRPC protocol load testing

To create a gRPC script with JMeter,

  • Install the gRPC plugin for JMeter. You can find the plugin on the JMeter Plugins website or you can download it using the Plugin Manager in JMeter.
Download the latest version of plug-in from here
  • Create a new Test Plan in JMeter and add a Thread Group.
  • Add a gRPC Sampler to the Thread Group. To do this, right-click on the Thread Group and select "Add > Sampler > gRPC Sampler".
  • Configure the gRPC Sampler. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Server address:  The address of the gRPC server you want to test.
    Service name: The name of the gRPC service you want to test.
    Method name: The name of the method you want to call.
    Request data: The data you want to send to the gRPC server.
    Proto Root Directory: It is the Root Directory path (till protoc only)
    Library Directory: This is the library directory path if any( this is optional)
    Full method: this should be auto populated when you click on the Listing Button
    Optional configuration: Authorization details if any
    Send JSON format with the Request: Your JSON request
  • Add any necessary configuration elements or assertions to the Test Plan.
  • Run the Test Plan and analyze the results.

what is gRPC?

gRPC is an open-source, high-performance, universal Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that allows different applications and services to communicate with each other over a network. It was developed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

The gRPC framework is a powerful tool for developing APIs that can handle a high volume of traffic while maintaining performance. It is widely adopted by leading companies to support various use cases, ranging from microservices to web, mobile, and IoT applications.

One of the key features of gRPC is its use of Protobuf (Protocol Buffers) as an Interface Definition Language (IDL) to define data structures and function contracts in a structured format using .proto files. This makes it easier to create and manage APIs while ensuring consistency and compatibility across different platforms and languages.

gRPC uses the Protocol Buffers data format for serializing structured data over the network. It supports multiple programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Go, Node.js, C#, and Objective-C.

gRPC provides a simple and efficient way to define remote procedures and their parameters using an Interface Definition Language (IDL). It generates client and server code automatically based on this IDL specification. The generated code handles all the networking details, allowing developers to focus on the business logic of their applications.

One of the key benefits of gRPC is its high performance. It uses HTTP/2 as its transport protocol, which provides features such as multiplexing, flow control, and header compression, resulting in lower latency and reduced bandwidth usage. Additionally, gRPC supports bi-directional streaming and flow control, making it suitable for building real-time applications.

Wednesday 5 April 2023

gRPC request testing using Vugen Load runner | gRPC performance testing load runner

gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC frame work that can run in any environment and it's now been around fo4 several years with a growing user base. Here is the process to create a script in vugen
  1. Start by creating a new VuGen script and selecting the "gRPC" protocol under "Web Services" in the protocol selection window.

  2. In the "Vuser_init" section of the script, add the following code to create a gRPC channel and stub

#include "grpc.h"

grpc_channel* channel;
grpc_stub* stub;

int vuser_init()
    channel = grpc_insecure_channel_create("localhost:50051", NULL, NULL);
    stub = grpc_stub_create(channel);
    return 0;
In the "Action" section of the script, add the gRPC method call code that you want to test. Here's an example using the "SayHello" method from the gRPC "helloworld" example:

#include "helloworld.grpc.pb.h"

int Action()
    hello::Greeter::Stub* greeter_stub = hello::Greeter::NewStub(channel);
    hello::HelloRequest request;
    hello::HelloReply reply;
    grpc::ClientContext context;


    grpc::Status status = greeter_stub->SayHello(&context, request, &reply);

    if (status.ok()) {
        lr_output_message("Greeting: %s", reply.message().c_str());
    } else {
        lr_output_message("RPC failed: %s", status.error_message().c_str());

    return 0;

  1. Finally, in the "Vuser_end" section of the script, add the code to clean up the gRPC channel and stub:
int vuser_end()
    return 0;

That's it! You should now have a functional gRPC script in VuGen that you can use for load testing. Just make sure to replace the example method call with the actual gRPC method you want to test.

Sunday 19 March 2023

'npm' is not recognised as an internal or external command operable program or batch file error windows 10 fix

The error message "npm is not recognized as an internal or external command" typically means that Node.js and/or npm (Node Package Manager) is not installed on your system, or it is not added to the system's PATH environment variable.

To resolve this error, you can follow these steps:
  • Install Node.js: Download and install the latest version of Node.js from the official website https://nodejs.org/. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  • Verify Node.js installation: After the installation is complete, open a new terminal window and run the following command to verify that Node.js is installed:
node -v

This command should print the version number of Node.js. If you see an error message, try restarting your terminal or computer and running the command again.
  • Verify npm installation: Run the following command to verify that npm is installed:
npm -v

This command should print the version number of npm. If you see an error message, it means that npm is not installed or not added to the system's PATH environment variable.

Add npm to PATH: If npm is not added to the system's PATH environment variable, you can add it manually. Here are the steps to add npm to the PATH variable on Windows:
Open the Start menu and search for "Environment Variables"
Click "Edit the system environment variables"
Click the "Environment Variables" button
Under "System Variables", find the "Path" variable and click "Edit"
Click "New" and enter the path to the npm installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin)
Click "OK" to close all windows

Verify npm installation again: Open a new terminal window and run the following command to verify that npm is added to the PATH variable:

npm -v

This command should print the version number of npm. If you still see an error message, try restarting your terminal or computer and running the command again.After completing these steps, you should be able to use npm commands without getting any error.

Saturday 18 March 2023

How to read contents of a text file through LoadRunner and make alterations to that text file | Read text file with load runner

To read the contents of a text file t in LoadRunner, we have to use fopen, fread, fwrite, and fclose. Here's my sample code.

    char buffer[1024];
    FILE *fp = fopen("example.txt", "r+"); // Replace "example.txt" with the path to your text file

    if (fp != NULL)
        // Read the contents of the file into a buffer
        size_t num_read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp);

        if (num_read > 0)
            // Make alterations to the buffer as needed
            // For example, replace all occurrences of "foo" with "bar":
            char *ptr = buffer;
            while ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "foo")) != NULL)
                memcpy(ptr, "bar", 3);
                ptr += 3;

            // Write the modified buffer back to the file
            fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
            fwrite(buffer, 1, num_read, fp);

        lr_error_message("Failed to open file for reading and writing.");

    return 0;

Here we first use fopen to open the file named "example.txt" for both reading and writing, and store the resulting file pointer in the fp variable. If the file is successfully opened, we then use fread to read the contents of the file into a buffer named buffer, up to a maximum of 1024 bytes. Next, we make alterations to the buffer as needed. In this example, we use strstr to search for all occurrences of the string "foo" within the buffer, and replace them with the string "bar". You can modify this logic to suit your specific use case.

Finally, we use fseek to set the file position indicator back to the beginning of the file, fwrite to write the modified buffer back to the file, and fflush to flush any remaining output to the file. We then close the file using fclose.

Friday 17 March 2023

Capture dynamic data and write it to an external file in LoadRunner

To capture dynamic data and write it to an external file in LoadRunner, you can use the web_reg_save_param function to capture the data and the standard C file I/O functions to write it to a file. Here's an sample code of mine.

char *dynamic_data;
web_reg_save_param("dynamic_data", "LB=<start>", "RB=<end>", LAST);
// Make the request that returns the dynamic data

web_url("example.com", "URL=http://example.com/", "Resource=0", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=", "Snapshot=t1.inf", "Mode=HTML", LAST);

// Retrieve the captured dynamic data

dynamic_data = lr_eval_string("{dynamic_data}");

// Write the captured data to a file

FILE *fp = fopen("output.txt", "w"); // Replace "output.txt" with your desired file name
if (fp != NULL)
fputs(dynamic_data, fp);
lr_error_message("Failed to open file for writing.");
return 0;

Here the web_reg_save_param will capture the dynamic data between the specified left and right boundaries, and store it in a parameter named "dynamic_data". Then, we make a request that returns the dynamic data, causing it to be captured and saved in the parameter. Next, we retrieve the captured dynamic data using lr_eval_string and store it in the dynamic_data variable. Finally, we use standard C file I/O functions to open a file named "output.txt" for writing, write the dynamic data to the file using fputs, and then close the file using fclose.

Resolving Performance Testing Issues with GWT | Google Web Toolkit in Performance Testing

If you're experiencing issues with GWT (Google Web Toolkit) in your performance testing, don't worry! There are a few steps you can take to solve these problems and improve your testing results.

First, ensure that you have the right version of the GWT Developer Plugin installed on your browser. If you're using an outdated version, you may encounter issues when recording your scripts.

Next, check your script for any errors or issues that may be causing problems with GWT. One common issue is the failure to properly handle asynchronous calls. To fix this, use the GWT synchronizer function to ensure that all asynchronous calls are completed before moving on to the next step in your script. You may also want to adjust your script's think time, or the amount of time between steps, to more accurately reflect real-world user behavior. GWT applications often have a high level of interactivity, so increasing think time can help ensure accurate test results.

Finally, check your server configuration to ensure that it can handle the load generated by your performance testing. This includes monitoring your CPU and memory usage, as well as ensuring that your server is properly configured to handle multiple simultaneous requests.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve any issues you're experiencing with GWT in your performance testing and improve the accuracy of your test results.

Thursday 16 March 2023

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError | JVM issues

One common issue that can occur when working with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError". This error occurs when the JVM cannot allocate enough memory to execute the Java program, due to either a lack of physical memory or insufficient heap space.

To solve this issue, there are several options:
  • Increase the heap space: The heap space is where Java stores its objects and data structures. You can increase the heap space by adding the "-Xmx" flag to the command line when running the Java program. For example, "java -Xmx2g MyProgram" would allocate 2GB of heap space to the program.
  • Reduce memory usage: You can also reduce the memory usage of your Java program by optimizing your code and avoiding unnecessary object creation. For example, you can use primitive data types instead of object wrappers, and reuse objects instead of creating new ones.
  • Use a memory profiler: A memory profiler can help you identify memory leaks and other memory usage issues in your Java program. You can use tools like VisualVM, Eclipse MAT, or YourKit to analyze the memory usage of your program and identify areas for optimization.
  • Upgrade your hardware: If you are running out of physical memory, you can upgrade your hardware to increase the amount of available memory. You can also consider using a cloud-based infrastructure that allows you to scale up or down your resources as needed.