Wednesday 17 January 2024

Convert Microfocus Loadrunner (VuGen) scripts to Gatling Scripts | Loadrunner to Gatling

Gatling's scripting, based on its specific DSL in Scala, may seem daunting initially. However, the process of converting LoadRunner scripts into Gatling scripts is made accessible through Gatling Recorder and the HAR mode.

Step 1: 
Save LoadRunner Script as HAR File: After replaying, save the LoadRunner script as a HAR file. We may see the option on the right hand side of the page as shown in below image.

Step 2: Import this HAR file into Gatling Recorder & Click on the Start button. This will convert HAR file into DSL/Scala script

Step 3:Conversion to DSL/Scala Script: Click on Start in Gatling Recorder, converting the HAR file into a DSL/Scala script.

Step 4:Import into IDE or Editor: Go to the output folder and import RecordedSimulationXXX.scala in your preferred IDE or Editor

For those with existing scripts in HP Load Generator, the HAR mode provides a bridge to adapt and run them seamlessly in Gatling. In a landscape where cost, concurrency, and efficiency are paramount, Gatling emerges as a beacon of efficiency. Its asynchronous thread approach, coupled with a streamlined process for script conversion, makes it an attractive option for organizations seeking flexibility and cost-effectiveness in their performance testing endeavors. As the software development landscape continues to evolve, Gatling stands ready to meet the challenges head-on, ensuring applications can handle the demands of an ever-expanding user base.

Note: You can also use fiddler to to record the flow and generate .har file, from there we can generate the Gatling scripts too.