Monday, April 29, 2024

How to Convert Postman Collections to JMeter Scripts

Are you looking to transition your API collection from Postman to Apache JMeter for performance testing? Whether you prefer an online solution or are comfortable with offline setup, we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll explore two methods to seamlessly convert your Postman collections into JMeter scripts.

Export Postman Collection:
  1. Open Postman and navigate to the collection you want to export.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu next to the collection name and select Export.
  3. In the export dialog, choose the format v2.1 or v2.0 (either should work, but v2.1 is preferred for the latest collections).
  4. Click Export to save the collection as a JSON file.

Option 1: Loadium Application (Online)

Loadium, a versatile load testing tool supporting various performance test types, including JMeter, Gatling, and Selenium, offers a convenient online solution for converting Postman collections to JMX projects.

Here's how it works:

1. Visit Loadium's website and sign up for a trial account.
2. Once logged in, navigate to the "More Options" section and select "Convert to JMX."
3. Upload your Postman collection.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to initiate the conversion process.
5. Download the generated JMX file.
6. Open Apache JMeter and import the downloaded JMX file to begin your performance testing.

Option 2: postman2jmx (Offline)
  1. Typically, you would run a command like java -jar postman-to-jmx-converter.jar -i postman_collection.json -o jmeter_script.jmx.
  2. Replace postman_collection.json with the path to your exported Postman collection and jmeter_script.jmx with the desired output file name.
If you prefer an offline approach and are comfortable with a bit of setup, postman2jmx, available on GitHub, provides an excellent solution for converting Postman collections to JMeter scripts.

Here's how to set it up on MacOS:

1. Install Homebrew, Maven, and Java if not already installed.
2. Clone the postman2jmx repository from GitHub.
3. Build postman2jmx using Maven.
4. Navigate to the "target" folder in the terminal.
5. Convert your Postman collection to a JMX file using the provided command.
6. Open the converted JMX file in Apache JMeter to proceed with your performance testing.

Happy testing!