Tuesday 9 August 2022

Load runner to Neoload script converter with a command line tool | LR to Neoload Script Converter

A command-line utility called The Script Converter transforms LoadRunner scripts into NeoLoad projects.

Download the tool from here {Neotys Lab}:

Download Script Converter

Open Command Prompt and enter the following Command:

-source <LR Scripts folder> -target <NeoLoad output directory> -project <NeoLoad Project name


Windows.\script-converter.bat -source "C:\LoadRunnerScripts\TestHome" -target "C:\Users\Documents\NeoLoadProjects\TestHome" -project "TestHome"

Linux/OSX./script-converter.sh -source "/home/user/LoadRunnerScripts/TestHome" -target "/home/user/NeoLoadProjects/TestHome" -project "TestHome"

LR Scripts folder - Source directory where all scripts in each sub-directory will be converted into the output Project
NeoLoad output directory - The folder of the created NeoLoad Project
NeoLoad Project name - The name to assign to the NeoLoad project