Wednesday 7 February 2024

Six Sigma White Belt Certification for free 0$

Are you looking to enhance your skills and credentials in the field of Six Sigma? Look no further! The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) offers a comprehensive White Belt Certification program designed to validate your understanding of the fundamental principles of Six Sigma methodology. In this blog post, we'll explore the certification process, its benefits, and how you can get started on your journey towards becoming a certified Six Sigma professional.

Why Choose CSSC for Your Six Sigma White Belt Certification?
CSSC is the official industry standard for Six Sigma accreditation, providing individuals with a reputable and recognized certification. Our White Belt Certification program is ideal for beginners or professionals looking to refresh their knowledge of Six Sigma basics.

Certification Paths
CSSC offers two different paths to earning your Six Sigma White Belt Certification, allowing you to choose the option that best fits your learning style and preferences:

1. Standard Exam Path: This path is suitable for individuals who are already familiar with the "Body of Knowledge" covered in the White Belt Certification. The standard exam consists of 30 questions and is open-book format, with a duration of 30 minutes. Best suited for those seeking a single level of certification and comfortable completing their exam within the allotted time.

2. Self-Paced Exam Path: For candidates who prefer a more flexible approach, the self-paced exam option allows you to progress through several short exams as you cover different sections of the curriculum. This option is ideal for those utilizing free self-study guides provided by CSSC and looking to earn various levels of "Belts" without incurring additional examination fees.

Certification Requirements:
To obtain your CSSC Certified Six Sigma White Belt (CSSC-CSSWB) designation, you must successfully complete the certification exam and achieve a minimum score of 56 points out of 80. There are no prerequisites for taking the exam, and no project requirement for this level of certification.

Benefits of Certification:
Upon meeting the certification requirements, you'll receive an official CSSC Six Sigma White Belt Certification, recognized globally in the industry. Our certifications have no expiration date, allowing you to showcase your expertise indefinitely. Plus, you'll be added to the Council for Six Sigma Certification Official Register, providing verifiable proof of your certification.

Getting Started:
Ready to embark on your Six Sigma certification journey? Register for the Standard Exam or explore the Self-Paced Exam option on the Council for Six Sigma Certification website. Don't forget to review the free self-study guides and the corresponding "Body of Knowledge" to prepare for the exam effectively.

Earning your Six Sigma White Belt Certification with CSSC is a valuable investment in your professional development. Whether you're new to Six Sigma or seeking to advance your career, our certification program offers the knowledge and recognition you need to succeed in the industry.

Take the first step towards becoming a certified Six Sigma professional today with CSSC!

Register for the Standard Exam

Tracking File Processing Time on a Remote Server with JMeter | Remote machine file processing times by JMeter

In many applications, files are processed on remote servers as part of their workflow. Monitoring the time it takes for files to be processed is crucial for performance evaluation and optimisation. In this blog post, we'll explore how to track the processing time of files on a remote server using Apache JMeter.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following:
- Apache JMeter installed
- SSH Protocol Support plugin installed in JMeter

Step 1: Setting Up the Test Plan
  • Adding SSH Command Samplers: We'll use the SSH Command Sampler in JMeter to execute commands on the remote server. Add SSH Command Samplers to the test plan for capturing start time, executing the processing command, and capturing end time.
  • Configuring SSH Connection: Configure the SSH connection details such as hostname, port, username, and password or SSH key.
  • Defining Processing Command: Define the command to process the file and move it to another folder on the remote server within the SSH Command Sampler.

Step 2: Capturing Start Time

Pre-processing:Before executing the processing command, capture the start time using a pre-processor or by executing a command to get the current timestamp.

Step 3: Executing Processing Command

Executing Command:  Execute the command to process the file and move it to another folder on the remote server using the SSH Command Sampler.

Step 4: Capturing End Time

Post-processing:   After executing the processing command, capture the end time using a post-processor or by executing a command to get the current timestamp.

Step 5: Calculating Processing Time

   - Calculate the processing time by subtracting the start time from the end time.

Here's how you can modify the JMeter test plan:

Test Plan
  Thread Group
    SSH Command Sampler (Pre-processor)
      Command: date +%s > /path/to/start_time.txt
    SSH Command Sampler
      Server Name: your_server_hostname
      Port: your_ssh_port
      Username: your_ssh_username
      Password: your_ssh_password_or_key
      Command: cd /path/to/source_folder && your_processing_command && mv processed_file /path/to/destination_folder
    SSH Command Sampler (Post-processor)
      Command: date +%s > /path/to/end_time.txt
    View Results Tree (or other listeners)

Replace placeholders like `your_server_hostname`, `your_ssh_port`, `your_ssh_username`, `your_ssh_password_or_key`, `/path/to/source_folder`, `your_processing_command`, and `/path/to/destination_folder` with your actual server details and commands.

After running the test plan, you can read the start time and end time from the files `/path/to/start_time.txt` and `/path/to/end_time.txt`, respectively, and calculate the processing time. You can use the `SSH Command Sampler` to read the contents of these files and extract the timestamps. Then, use a post-processor or a custom script to calculate the processing time.

Happy Testing !