Saturday 29 July 2023

correlation in Java Vuser Protocol


public class CorrelationExample {
public int init() throws Throwable {
// Perform initialization tasks
return 0;

public int action() throws Throwable {
// Send a request and receive the response
String response = sendRequest();

// Extract dynamic value using regular expressions
String dynamicValue = extractDynamicValue(response);

// Store the dynamic value in a parameter
lr.saveString(dynamicValue, "dynamicParam");

// Replace dynamic value with parameter in subsequent requests
String newRequest = replaceDynamicValueWithParam(response, "dynamicParam");

// Send the updated request

return 0;

public String sendRequest() {
// Send the initial request and receive the response
String response = ""; // Replace with actual request code

return response;

public String extractDynamicValue(String response) {
// Use regular expressions or other methods to extract the dynamic value
String dynamicValue = ""; // Replace with actual extraction code

return dynamicValue;

public String replaceDynamicValueWithParam(String request, String paramName) {
// Replace the dynamic value in the request with the parameter
String newRequest = request.replaceAll("{{dynamicValue}}", lr.evalString(paramName));
return newRequest;

public void sendUpdatedRequest(String request) {
// Send the updated request
// Replace with actual code to send the request

public int end() throws Throwable {
// Perform cleanup tasks
return 0;

Thursday 27 July 2023

common issues and solutions while Citrix ICA Protocol

During script replay in a Citrix WinSock protocol-based environment, several common issues may arise. These issues can affect the successful execution and accurate replay of the recorded script. Here are some typical problems encountered during script replay and their potential causes:

1. Citrix session initialization: If the Citrix session fails to initialize properly during replay, it may result in connection failures or an inability to access the desired applications or desktops. This can be caused by incorrect configuration settings, network connectivity issues, or issues with the Citrix server.

2. Dynamic data handling: Citrix sessions often involve dynamic data, such as session IDs or timestamps, which may vary between recording and replay. If these dynamic values are not appropriately correlated or parameterized in the script, it can lead to failures during replay. Ensure that dynamic values are captured and replaced with appropriate parameters or correlation functions.

3. Timing and synchronization issues: Timing-related problems can occur if there are delays or differences in response times between the recording and replay sessions. This can lead to synchronization issues, where the script may fail to find expected UI elements or perform actions within the expected time frame. Adjusting think times, adding synchronization points, or enhancing script logic can help address these issues.

4. Window or screen resolution changes: If the Citrix session or client machine has a different window or screen resolution during replay compared to the recording, it can cause elements or UI interactions to fail. This can be resolved by adjusting the script or ensuring that the client machine and Citrix session are configured with consistent resolution settings.

5. Application changes or updates: If the application or desktop being accessed through Citrix undergoes changes or updates between recording and replay, it can result in script failures. Elements, UI structures, or workflows may have changed, leading to script errors. Regularly validate and update the script to accommodate any changes in the application under test.

6. Network or connectivity issues: Network or connectivity problems during replay can impact the successful execution of the script. These issues can include network latency, packet loss, or firewall restrictions. Troubleshoot and address any network-related problems to ensure smooth script replay.

7. Load or performance-related issues: During load or performance testing, issues such as resource contention, high server load, or insufficient server capacity can impact the replay of Citrix scripts. These issues can result in slow response times, connection failures, or application unavailability. Monitor server and network performance, and optimize the infrastructure as needed to address these problems.

When encountering replay issues, it is essential to analyze error logs, server logs, and performance metrics to identify the root causes of failures. Reviewing the recorded script, correlating dynamic values, adjusting synchronization points, and updating the script to reflect application changes are typical troubleshooting steps to resolve replay issues. Additionally, referring to Citrix documentation, seeking support from Citrix forums or support channels, and collaborating with Citrix administrators can provide further insights and assistance in addressing specific replay issues in your Citrix WinSock protocol-based environment.

Tuesday 25 July 2023

How to insert Rendezvous point in True Client Script in Load runner

In TruClient, the Rendezvous point is a synchronization point that allows you to control the flow of the script and make it wait for a specific event or condition before proceeding further. Rendezvous points are helpful when you want to simulate multiple users or when you need to ensure that a specific action occurs at the same time for all virtual users.

To insert a Rendezvous point in a TruClient script, follow these steps:

1. Open the TruClient script in TruClient IDE (VuGen).

2. Identify the step where you want to insert the Rendezvous point. Typically, you place the Rendezvous point before a critical action or during a specific synchronization point.

3. In the TruClient Sidebar, click on the "Step" menu to display the list of available step types.

4. Look for the "Rendezvous" step type, and click on it to add it to your script.

5. After adding the Rendezvous step, a dialog box will appear. You can set a name for the Rendezvous point to help identify it in the script.

6. Configure the synchronization settings for the Rendezvous point. You can choose between "Wait for other Vusers" or "Wait for specific timer." If you select "Wait for other Vusers," it will wait until all virtual users reach the Rendezvous point before continuing. If you choose "Wait for specific timer," you can set a timer to wait for a specific duration before proceeding.

7. Save your script.

That's it! The Rendezvous point is now inserted into your TruClient script. When running multiple virtual users, they will all pause at the Rendezvous point until the conditions you've set are met, ensuring they proceed together.

Monday 10 July 2023

How to Convert Postman Collection to Apache JMeter (JMX)?

To convert a Postman collection to Apache JMeter's JMX (JMeter Test Plan) format, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Export the Postman Collection
1. Open Postman and ensure you have the collection you want to convert.
2. Right-click on the collection and select "Export".
3. Choose the format as "Collection v2.1 (JSON)" and save the file.

Step 2: Install the Postman Collection Converter Plugin (Optional)
If you prefer using a plugin to convert the collection, you can install the "Postman Collection Converter" plugin in JMeter.

1. Open JMeter and go to "Options" in the top menu.
2. Click on "Plugins Manager".
3. In the "Available Plugins" tab, search for "Postman Collection Converter".
4. Select the plugin and click on "Apply Changes and Restart JMeter".
5. JMeter will restart with the plugin installed.

Step 3: Convert the Postman Collection to JMX (JMeter Test Plan)
There are two methods to convert the Postman Collection to JMX in JMeter: using the plugin or using a manual process.

Method 1: Using the Postman Collection Converter Plugin
1. Open JMeter.
2. Go to "File" in the top menu and select "Postman Collection Converter".
3. Click on "Choose File" and select the Postman Collection JSON file you exported.
4. Click on "Convert" to start the conversion process.
5. Once the conversion is complete, save the JMX file with the desired name and location.

Method 2: Manual Conversion Process
1. Open JMeter.
2. Create a new Test Plan by going to "File" > "Templates" > "Test Plan".
3. In the Test Plan, right-click on "Test Plan" in the tree view and select "Add" > "Threads (Users)" > "Thread Group".
4. Configure the Thread Group properties according to your requirements (e.g., number of threads, ramp-up time, loop count).
5. Right-click on the Thread Group and select "Add" > "Sampler" > "HTTP Request".
6. Configure the HTTP Request sampler based on the first request in your Postman Collection. Set the URL, method, headers, and body parameters accordingly.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each request in your Postman Collection, adding more HTTP Request samplers to the Thread Group.
8. If there are any additional elements in your Postman Collection, such as assertions or variables, add them to the corresponding JMeter elements (e.g., Assertions, Variables, etc.).
9. Save the JMX file with the desired name and location.

Tuesday 4 July 2023

How to Integrate Azure Devops with Load runner?

The integration of Azure DevOps with LoadRunner offers several benefits for software development and testing teams. Here are some key uses and advantages of this integration:

Automated Performance Testing: Azure DevOps allows you to incorporate LoadRunner tests into your CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated performance testing as part of your development process. This ensures that performance testing is executed consistently and regularly, helping identify and address performance issues early in the development lifecycle.

Seamless Collaboration: By integrating LoadRunner with Azure DevOps, you can centralize your performance testing efforts within the same platform used for project management, version control, and continuous integration. This promotes seamless collaboration among development, testing, and operations teams, streamlining communication and enhancing efficiency.

Version Control and Traceability: Azure DevOps provides version control capabilities, allowing you to track changes to your LoadRunner test scripts and configurations. This ensures traceability and provides a historical record of test modifications, facilitating collaboration and troubleshooting.

Test Reporting and Analytics: Azure DevOps offers powerful reporting and analytics features, which can be leveraged to gain insights into performance test results. You can visualize and analyze test metrics, identify performance trends, and generate reports to share with stakeholders. This helps in making data-driven decisions and identifying areas for performance optimization.

Continuous Monitoring and Alerting: Azure DevOps integration allows you to incorporate LoadRunner tests into your continuous monitoring and alerting systems. You can set up thresholds and notifications based on performance test results, enabling proactive monitoring of performance degradation or anomalies in production environments.

Scalability and Flexibility: Azure DevOps provides a scalable and flexible infrastructure to execute LoadRunner tests. You can leverage Azure cloud resources to spin up test environments on-demand, reducing the need for maintaining dedicated infrastructure and improving resource utilization.

How to integrate Azure DevOps with LoadRunner:

Set up LoadRunner in Azure DevOps:

1. Ensure you have an active Azure DevOps account.
2. Create a new project or select an existing project in Azure DevOps.
3. Navigate to the project settings and select the "Service connections" option.
4. Create a new service connection of type "Generic" or "Others".
5. Provide the necessary details such as the connection name, URL, and authentication method (username/password or token).
6. Save the service connection.

Install LoadRunner Extension in Azure DevOps:

1. In your Azure DevOps project, go to the "Extensions" section.
2. Search for the "LoadRunner" extension and install it.
3. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Configure LoadRunner tasks in Azure DevOps pipeline:

1. Create a new or edit an existing Azure DevOps pipeline for your LoadRunner tests.
2. Add a new task to your pipeline.
3. Search for the "LoadRunner" task and add it to your pipeline.
4. Configure the LoadRunner task with the necessary parameters, such as the path to your LoadRunner test script, test settings, and other options.
5. Save and commit your pipeline changes.

Run the LoadRunner tests in Azure DevOps:

1. Trigger a build or release pipeline in Azure DevOps that includes the LoadRunner task.
2. Azure DevOps will execute the LoadRunner task, which will run your LoadRunner tests based on the configured parameters.
3. Monitor the test execution progress and results in Azure DevOps.

That's it, Happy Testing!

Monday 3 July 2023

How to use .pem and .key certificate files in vugen load runner scripting | How to import .pem & .Key certificates in vugen

To use ".pem" and ".key" certificate files in LoadRunner VuGen scripting, you can follow these steps:

1. Place the ".pem" and ".key" files in a location accessible to your VuGen script, such as the script folder or a shared location.

2. Open your VuGen script and navigate to the appropriate section where you need to use the certificate.

3. In the script editor, add the following lines of code to load and use the certificate files:

web_set_certificate_ex("<pem_file_path>", "<key_file_path>", "cert_password");

Replace "<pem_file_path>" with the path to your ".pem" file and "<key_file_path>" with the path to your ".key" file. If the certificate is password-protected, replace "cert_password" with the actual password.

4. Save your script.

By using the 'web_set_certificate_ex' function, you instruct VuGen to load the specified ".pem' and ".key" files and use them for SSL/TLS communication during script execution.

Make sure the certificate files are valid and properly formatted. If there are any issues with the certificate files, the script may fail to execute or encounter SSL/TLS errors.

Method 2:

1. Launch VuGen: Open LoadRunner VuGen and create a new script or open an existing one.

2. Recording Options: In the VuGen toolbar, click on "Recording Options" to open the recording settings dialog box.

3. Proxy Recording: In the recording settings dialog box, select the "Proxy" tab. Enable the "Enable proxy recording" option if it is not already enabled.

4. Certificate Settings: Click on the "Certificate" button in the recording settings dialog box. This will open the certificate settings dialog box.

5. Import Certificates: In the certificate settings dialog box, click on the "Import" button to import the .pem and .key certificates. Browse to the location where the certificates are stored and select the appropriate files.

6. Verify Certificates: After importing the certificates, verify that they appear in the certificate list in the settings dialog box. Make sure that the certificates are associated with the correct domains or URLs that you want to record.

7. Apply and Close: Click on the "OK" button to apply the certificate settings and close the certificate settings dialog box.

8. Save Recording Options: Back in the recording settings dialog box, click on the "OK" button to save the recording options.

9. Start Recording: Start the recording process by clicking on the "Start Recording" button in the VuGen toolbar. Make sure to set the browser's proxy settings to the address and port specified in the recording options.

10. Proceed with Recording: Perform the actions that you want to record in the web application or system under test. VuGen will capture the network traffic, including the HTTPS requests and responses.During the recording process, VuGen will use the imported .pem and .key certificates to handle SSL/TLS connections and decrypt the HTTPS traffic. This allows VuGen to record and analyze the encrypted data exchanged between the client and the server.