1) Please check that Explorer not open on replay script folder ( probably result1 )
2) please check that any files from result1 folder is not opened on external editor / browser
3) please check on Task Manager that there isn't any process of HP.Utt.StandaloneDebugger.exeY
4).You can run the command line utility 'handle.exe' to show all opened files per process. Save the output and check for your LR script directory.
5).Run procmon.exe and define the filters such that you monitor the load runner processes or the script folder. Start your test and check which open of existing file is failing.
If you wish to use a greater level of granularity for a large number of graphs, use the following settings:
1. Open the "Tools > Options > Result Collection" tab before loading the result (before starting a new session).
2. Choose "Data Aggregation > Apply user-defined aggregation" from the drop-down menu.
3. Select "Aggregation Configuration" from the drop-down menu. There, in the field "Select the granularity you wish to utilise," type the number you require.After that, you can use the option to reduce the granularity of several graphs.
The 422 Unprocessable Entityerror code is a response that indicates the request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. The most common cause of the 422 Unprocessable Entityerror code is poorly written or corrupt database tables– these need to be repaired or deleted and recreated.
This 422 error can also happen because a script is trying to run, but the server does not have permission for that particular file. This could mean you need new permissions on your web hosting account, or it's caused by an improperly set up PHP configuration in your site's root folder.
The422 Unprocessable Entitystatus code is a client-side error. It belongs to the HTTP response status codes in the 4xx category, called client error responses.
If you're not getting any messages about the problem, your web host might not allow access to these logs. If this is indeed the case, we recommend switching providers as soon as possible because this 422 error could indicate a bigger issue with your site, such as malware or something else security-related.
If you can access your logs, then the next step is to look for exceptions. These errors can be caused by a script that's trying to run but cannot because of improper permissions on the webserver or improperly set up PHP configuration in your site's root folder. If this isn't working, it could also be an issue with the script itself, which can be solved by contacting a developer.
Another way of fixing the 422 Unprocessable Entityerror code is to upload a fresh version of the script to your server. Some people can do this through FTP, while others may need assistance from their hosting provider.