Monday 3 June 2013

Performance Testing Counters for Load Runner | Counters for Load runner Analysis

Performance Counters for LoadRunner

Client-Side Counters

  • Response Time: Measures the time from when a user enters a request until the first character of the response is received.
  • Throughput: Represents the rate at which a computer or network receives requests per second.
  • Amount of Connection Pooling: Indicates the number of user requests that are met by pooled connections.
  • Maximum Active Sessions: Reflects the maximum number of sessions that can be active at once.
  • Hits per Second: Represents the number of hits on a web server during each second of a load test.
  • Hit Ratios: Measure the efficiency of caching mechanisms.

Server-Side Counters

  • Processor Usage: Measures the amount of time the processor spends executing non-idle threads.
  • Memory Use: Indicates the amount of physical memory available to processes on a computer.
  • Disk Time: Measures the amount of time the disk is busy executing read or write requests.
  • Network Output Queue Length: Indicates the length of the output packet queue in packets.
  • Rollback Segment: Tracks the amount of data that can rollback at any point in time.
  • Database Locks: Monitors the locking of tables and databases.
  • Top Waits: Monitored to determine which wait times can be reduced when retrieving data from memory.
  • Thread Counts: Measures the number of threads that are running and currently active.
  • Garbage Collection: Tracks the efficiency of returning unused memory back to the system.


Unknown said...

Good info....Are all these server side metrics?

Unknown said...

Are all these server side counters?

Anonymous said...

NO..All are not Server side metrices..Few among them like Memory, COU Utlisations , Disk time are server side metrices