Friday, August 2, 2013

Script to identify performance bottlenecks in a query using SQL (and estimate potential tuning benefits)

The script needs query rowsource statistics to produce output, so make sure the query is run with STATISTICS_LEVEL = ALL or gather_plan_statistics hint before analyzing it with the script.

Script output:
id, operation — id and description of the plan operation
potential_savings — how much performance benefits can be expected from tuning this operation (e.g. by creating or enabling a better access path)
origin_of_inefficiency — an educated guess as to the origin of inefficiency based on how many times the operation was executed (STARTS), whether or not there are filter predicates for this operation, and some additional information about parent operations
starts — “starts” column from V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS
rem  (c) Nikolay Savvinov, 2013
rem  a script to identify performance bottleneck
rem  and estimate potential benefits from removing them
rem  using rowsource statistics (will only return meaningful results
rem  if the plan is still in the cache and if rowsource statistics were populated.
rem  takes sql_id and child_number as parameters

set verify off
set linesize 400
set pagesize 9999

column id format 999
column operation format A40
column potential_savings format A30
column origin_of_inefficiency format A30
column comments format A30
column starts format 999999
column filter_predicates format A30
column repetition_ratio format 999999

spool report.txt

    with myplan as                                                                                                                                                                                      
        select p.sql_id, id, parent_id, operation, options, object_owner, object_name, object_type, cardinality, depth,                                                                                        
                S.LAST_CR_BUFFER_GETS gets, S.last_starts STARTS, s.last_output_rows outrows, p.filter_predicates, p.access_predicates                                                                                                       
        from v$sql_plan p,                                                                                                                                                                              
                v$sql_plan_statistics s                                                                                                                                                                 
        where p.sql_id = s.sql_id                                                                                                                                                                       
        and P.CHILD_NUMBER = S.CHILD_NUMBER                                                                                                                                                             
        and = s.operation_id                                                                                                                                                                       
--        and p.sql_id = '&1'
--        and p.child_number = &2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    extended_plan as                                                                                                                                                                                    
        select mp.*,   
            select max(id)                                                                                                                                                                              
            from myplan                                                                                                                                                                                 
            connect by prior id = parent_id                                                                                                                                                             
            start with id =
            and 'TABLE ACCESS' = mp.operation
            and mp.options like 'BY%ROWID'                                                                                                                                                                       
        ) rowid_provider_id,                                                                                                                                                                              
            select min(id)
            from myplan
            where parent_id =            
        ) older_child_id,                                                                                                                                                                              
        (select min(id) from myplan where parent_id = older_child,
        (select count(*) from myplan where parent_id = num_children
        from myplan mp                                                                                                                                                                                  
    opstats as
      select owner, table_name, num_rows, blocks, t.stale_stats, t.user_stats
      from dba_tab_statistics t
      where table_name in (select object_name from myplan)
      and partition_name is null
      select owner, index_name, num_rows, leaf_blocks blocks, I.STALE_STATS, I.USER_STATS
      from dba_ind_statistics i
      where index_name in (select object_name from myplan)
      and partition_name is null
    segstats as
        select owner, segment_name, sum(blocks) actual_blocks
        from dba_segments s
        where segment_name in (select object_name from myplan)
        and rownum>0
        group by owner, segment_name
    inrows as
    select lpad(' ', ep.depth, ' ') || operation || ' ' || options || ' ' plan_output,
            (select min(id) from myplan where operation like 'PARTITION%' and id != connect by prior parent_id = id and num_children<=1 start with id = partition_iterator_id,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    case when operation in ('FILTER', 'INDEX', 'VIEW', 'TABLE ACCESS', 'COUNT') then gets        
            when operation = 'HASH JOIN' then gets - (select sum(gets) from extended_plan ep2 where parent_id =    
    end own_gets, 
            case when operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options like 'BY%ROWID' then (select outrows from myplan where id = rowid_provider_id)  
            --        when operation  = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options = 'FULL' then ss.num_rows*ep.starts
                    when operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options = 'FULL' then ceil(num_rows*gets/os.blocks)
                    when (operation = 'INDEX' and options like '%SCAN' and options != 'FULL SCAN') then ceil(num_rows*gets/os.blocks)
                    else (select outrows from myplan where id = older_child_id)  
            end inrows, 
            ceil(gets/os.blocks) rpt_ratio,
    from extended_plan ep,
            opstats os,
            segstats ss
    where ep.object_owner = os.owner (+)
    and ep.object_name = os.table_name (+)
    and ep.object_owner = ss.owner (+)
    and ep.object_name = ss.segment_name (+)
leakage as
    select inrows.*, 
             case when nvl(inrows,0) <= 0 then null
                     when inrows1 then 'inefficient filtering operation (probably a subquery could not be unnested)'
              when operation = 'FILTER' and filter_predicates is not null and num_children=1 then 'restrictive single-source filtering operation'
              when operation = 'INDEX' and starts = 1 and filter_predicates is not null then 'index filter predicates' 
              when operation = 'INDEX' and starts > 1 and partition_iterator_id is null and filter_predicates is null then 'inefficient driving operation (join, subquery etc.) and/or B-tree navigation overhead'  
              when operation = 'INDEX' and starts > 1 and partition_iterator_id is not null  and filter_predicates is null and (select operation || ' ' || options from leakage where id = l.partition_iterator_id) not like '%SINGLE%' then 'navigating multiple partitions of a local index (' || (select operation || ' ' || options from leakage where id = l.partition_iterator_id) || ')'
              when operation = 'INDEX' and starts > 1 and partition_iterator_id is not null  and filter_predicates is null and (select operation || ' ' || options from leakage where id = l.partition_iterator_id)  like '%SINGLE%' then 'inefficient driving operation'
              when operation = 'INDEX' and starts > 1 and partition_iterator_id is not null  and filter_predicates is null then 'navigating multiple partitions of a local index (' || (select operation || ' ' || options from leakage where id = l.partition_iterator_id) || ')'
              when operation = 'INDEX' and starts > 1 and partition_iterator_id is not null  and filter_predicates is not null then 'inefficient index access predicates, navigating multiple partitions of a local index (' || (select operation || ' ' || options from leakage where id = l.partition_iterator_id) || ')'
              when operation = 'INDEX' and starts > 1 and filter_predicates is not null then 'inefficient join order and/or access predicates' 
              when operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options = 'FULL' and starts = 1 and filter_predicates is not null then 'rows rejected by filter predicate after a full table scan' 
              when operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options = 'FULL' and starts > 1 then 'multiple executions of a full table scan'
              when operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options like 'BY%ROWID' and starts > 1 and filter_predicates is null then 'inefficient driving operation (join, subquery etc.)'  
              when operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options like 'BY%ROWID' and starts>1 and filter_predicates is not null then 'inefficient driving operation (join, subquery etc.) and/or access predicates'  
              when operation = 'TABLE ACCESS' and options like 'BY%ROWID' and starts=1 and filter_predicates is not null then 'inefficient access predicates'
              WHEN COST_LEAKAGE>0 THEN 'unknown'
              end leakage_reason,             
              round(abs(100*(actual_blocks/blocks - 1))) stats_error,
             nullif(rpt_ratio, 1) repetition_ratio,
             max(gets) over () total_gets 
    from leakage l
select id, 
         operation || ' ' || options || ' ' || object_owner ||  decode(object_name, null, null, '.') || object_name operation,  --num_rows, gets, inrows, outrows,
        nvl2(cost_leakage,  cost_leakage || ' (' || round(100*cost_leakage/gets) || '% operation, ' || round(100*cost_leakage/total_gets) || '% query)', 'UNKNOWN') potential_savings, 
    --        round(abs(100*(actual_blocks/blocks - 1)))  || case when user_stats = 'YES' then ' caution: user-defined stats!' when stale_stats = 'YES' then ' caution: stale stats!' end "stats",
--        stale_stats,
--        user_stats,         
        case when cost_leakage is null then notes else leakage_reason end origin_of_inefficiency,
        case when stats_error>10 then 'caution: actual blocks differ from estimated blocks by ' || stats_error || ' %'  end || case when user_stats = 'YES' then '(user-defined stats!)' when stale_stats = 'YES' then '(stale stats!)' end comments,
from summary s
where gets>0
--where cost_leakage > 0
order by cost_leakage desc nulls first;        
spool off

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