Thursday, December 19, 2013

Common paths in Loadrunner

you can make changes in index file for Certificate entry:
C:\Program Files\HP\LoadRunner\bin\certs

C:\Program Files\HP\LoadRunner\config

open wlrun7 and you will see all default setting of loadrunner..

AgentMaxThreadsPerDriver ---It is where you can specify number of threads per process(mdrv).

HostConnectTO,HostDisconnectTO etc....

you can make changes and restart Loadrunner.

You can see recent scripts on the path: C:\Program Files\HP\LoadRunner\config

For Error file: C:\..Script-Name\logfile

Execution detail: C:\..Script-Name\output.txt

also..downloaded image will be saved under data

 Result Set: C:\..Script-Name\Result
 Recorded Script: C:\..saved-Script-Name\
e.g script name is dataEntry.usr.
can be launched script by clicking on it.