Tuesday 24 December 2013

Creating Dynamic itemdata in Web_submit_data in load runner

I was working on a project where there was a scenario of searching for a course by its first name or wild cards. The search returns different number of results for different queries. This request is followed by another web_submit_data where the ITEMDATA depends on number of search results.

There are three dynamic variables here – length of the course variable, results returned and the third one being the ITEMDATA of the request itself.

The solution is to build dynamic data on the fly and create a web_custom_request for the web_submit_data

The following function will build the item data -

const char* BuildItemData(int pageSize,const char*ItemDataStart,const char*ItemDataEnd, int lengthOfCourseVar, const char* ArrayName){

char* ItemData;
int iCount,lengthOfOneItem;

lengthOfOneItem = lengthOfCourseVar+strlen(ItemDataStart)+strlen(ItemDataEnd);

ItemData = (char*)malloc((pageSize*(lengthOfOneItem))*sizeof(char));








return ItemData;


I changed the web_submit_data to web_custom_request and used the string output as a parameter like this:

lr_save_string( BuildItemData(lr_paramarr_len(“cor_Arr_ClassIDs”),”offId[]=class”,”&”,strlen(lr_paramarr_idx(“cor_Arr_ClassIDs”,1)),”cor_Arr_ClassIDs”),
“ItemDataOnTheFly” );










“EncType=application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8″,
