Tuesday 25 February 2014

Using Vuser Functions in GUI Vuser Scripts

This section lists the Vuser functions that you can use to enhance your GUI user scripts.

declare_rendezvous: Declares a rendezvous.

declare_transaction :Declares a transaction.

end_transaction :Marks the end of a transaction for performance analysis.

error_message: Sends an error message to the Controller.

get_host_name: Returns the name of a load generator.

get_master_host_name :Returns the name of the Controller load generator.

lr_whoami :Returns information about the Vuser executing the script.

output_message: Sends a message to the Controller.

rendezvous: Sets a rendezvous point in a Vuser script.

start_transaction: Marks the beginning of a transaction for performance analysis.

user_data_point: Records a user-defined data sample.

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