Sunday 13 April 2014

How do I identify the SSL protocols and certificates used by a website when testing with LoadRunner

To identify the SSL protocols and certificates used by a website in OpenSSL and LoadRunner, you can follow these steps:

1. Launch OpenSSL in the command prompt or terminal. Make sure you have OpenSSL installed on your machine.

2. Connect to the website using OpenSSL by running the following command:

openssl s_client -connect <website>:<port>

Replace `<website>` with the actual website URL and `<port>` with the appropriate port (usually 443 for HTTPS).

3. OpenSSL will establish a connection with the website and display information about the SSL certificate, protocols, and other details. Look for the following information:

- Certificate issuer: This indicates the entity that issued the SSL certificate.
- Certificate subject: This represents the website's information that the certificate is issued for.
- Validity dates: Check the "Not Before" and "Not After" dates to determine the certificate's validity period.
- SSL/TLS version: Look for the "SSL-Protocol" or "TLS-Protocol" field to identify the SSL/TLS version being used.

4. Analyze the output to identify the SSL protocols and certificates used. It may include information about the certificate chain, intermediate certificates, and the root certificate authority (CA).

Regarding LoadRunner, you can use the web_custom_request function to retrieve SSL-related information.

Sample Code:

int result;
result = web_custom_request("SSL_Info",

 The web_custom_request function will send a HEAD request and capture the SSL-related information in the LoadRunner output. LoadRunner supports various protocols and extensions, including HTTPS/SSL. Ensure that you have the appropriate SSL-related modules or add-ins installed and configured in LoadRunner to enable SSL/TLS analysis.

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