"Error -27778: SSL protocol error when attempting to connect with host",
Error: Action.c(44): ssl_handle_status encounter error : SSL_ERROR_SSL, error message : error:1409442E:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert protocol version [MsgId: MMSG-26000]
Action.c(44): Error -27774: SSL protocol error when attempting to connect with host "XXXXX" [MsgId: MERR-27774]
Write the below functions at the start of of script:
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "TLS"); or
Error: Action.c(44): ssl_handle_status encounter error : SSL_ERROR_SSL, error message : error:1409442E:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert protocol version [MsgId: MMSG-26000]
Action.c(44): Error -27774: SSL protocol error when attempting to connect with host "XXXXX" [MsgId: MERR-27774]
Write the below functions at the start of of script:
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "TLS"); or
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "TLS1.2"); or
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "1");
This forces the SSL connection to the server to use version 1 of the SSL protocol rather than letting the server suggest a version during the connection handshake. If it is not work talk with Developers to get the exact SSL_VERSION USED for communication by your Application.
If this doesn't works try to change the registry.
In the Registry change [HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Mercury Interactive/LoadRunner/Protocols/WPlus/SSL/OpenSSL] "ReuseSSLSession" value to 1
Run-Time Settings -> Preferences -> Select "WinInet Replay Engine instead of Sockets (Windows Only)."
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "1");
This forces the SSL connection to the server to use version 1 of the SSL protocol rather than letting the server suggest a version during the connection handshake. If it is not work talk with Developers to get the exact SSL_VERSION USED for communication by your Application.
If this doesn't works try to change the registry.
In the Registry change [HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Mercury Interactive/LoadRunner/Protocols/WPlus/SSL/OpenSSL] "ReuseSSLSession" value to 1
Run-Time Settings -> Preferences -> Select "WinInet Replay Engine instead of Sockets (Windows Only)."