Saturday, February 23, 2019

Testing is a Housewife's job ???

Testing is a Housewife's job ?

This is a statement I have heard many times in my career from various people. I used to oppose it. Today, I changed my mind. I accept it. It is a housewife's job.

I didn't know how hard being a housewife is. 

I thought they hardly do any work.
The only possible work they do is in the morning to get their kids and hubby ready to office. After that nothing at all.

Being a housewife is one of the hardest jobs in the world. It is...

The most underrated
The most under appreciated
The most underpaid

A housewife requires

To be disciplined
To work hard
To take care of multiple stakeholder expectations
To soak in a lot of pressure
To not complain
To deliver at odd times
To get last minute demands
People take their time and space for granted

My mom (like many other moms out there)
Has been a housewife
She is the source of the biggest success in our family.
Our success as children is coming at the cost of our mothers sacrificing their passion.

Why should I say No when people want to tell me "You are like your mom"

Those who laugh when they say testing job is for housewife's - they are disrespecting their own mother's job. 

Try being a housewife. You will run away.


Unknown said...

well said Ravi.. Ace reply!!!

Unknown said...

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Saga medi said...
