Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Performance Testing automation in Azure Boards using JMeter

To perform performance testing in Azure Boards using JMeter tool, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a new repository in Azure DevOps that will hold the JMeter test plan file and any supporting files that are needed.

2. In the repository, create a new folder for the JMeter test plan and any supporting files. 

3. Add the JMeter test plan file and any supporting files to the folder.

4. Create a new build pipeline in Azure DevOps that will run the JMeter test.

5. Add the JMeter extension to the build pipeline.

6. Configure the JMeter extension to use the JMeter test plan file and any supporting files in the repository.

7. Set the build pipeline to run on a schedule or to trigger when a new build is created.

8. Run the build pipeline and view the JMeter test results in the build summary.

9. Analyze the test results and identify any performance issues that need to be addressed.

10. Use the insights gained from the test results to make improvements to the application or system under test.

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