Monday, July 10, 2023

How to Convert Postman Collection to Apache JMeter (JMX)?

To convert a Postman collection to Apache JMeter's JMX (JMeter Test Plan) format, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Export the Postman Collection
1. Open Postman and ensure you have the collection you want to convert.
2. Right-click on the collection and select "Export".
3. Choose the format as "Collection v2.1 (JSON)" and save the file.

Step 2: Install the Postman Collection Converter Plugin (Optional)
If you prefer using a plugin to convert the collection, you can install the "Postman Collection Converter" plugin in JMeter.

1. Open JMeter and go to "Options" in the top menu.
2. Click on "Plugins Manager".
3. In the "Available Plugins" tab, search for "Postman Collection Converter".
4. Select the plugin and click on "Apply Changes and Restart JMeter".
5. JMeter will restart with the plugin installed.

Step 3: Convert the Postman Collection to JMX (JMeter Test Plan)
There are two methods to convert the Postman Collection to JMX in JMeter: using the plugin or using a manual process.

Method 1: Using the Postman Collection Converter Plugin
1. Open JMeter.
2. Go to "File" in the top menu and select "Postman Collection Converter".
3. Click on "Choose File" and select the Postman Collection JSON file you exported.
4. Click on "Convert" to start the conversion process.
5. Once the conversion is complete, save the JMX file with the desired name and location.

Method 2: Manual Conversion Process
1. Open JMeter.
2. Create a new Test Plan by going to "File" > "Templates" > "Test Plan".
3. In the Test Plan, right-click on "Test Plan" in the tree view and select "Add" > "Threads (Users)" > "Thread Group".
4. Configure the Thread Group properties according to your requirements (e.g., number of threads, ramp-up time, loop count).
5. Right-click on the Thread Group and select "Add" > "Sampler" > "HTTP Request".
6. Configure the HTTP Request sampler based on the first request in your Postman Collection. Set the URL, method, headers, and body parameters accordingly.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each request in your Postman Collection, adding more HTTP Request samplers to the Thread Group.
8. If there are any additional elements in your Postman Collection, such as assertions or variables, add them to the corresponding JMeter elements (e.g., Assertions, Variables, etc.).
9. Save the JMX file with the desired name and location.

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