Monday, February 5, 2024

How to pass token value from one thread group to another thread group in Jmeter?

In JMeter, passing variables between Thread Groups directly is not supported due to their independent execution. However, you can achieve this by using JMeter properties or variables.
One way is to use the __setProperty function to set a property in one thread group and then use __P function to retrieve it in another thread group.


1. In Thread Group 1, use a BeanShell Sampler or JSR223 Sampler with the following script to set a property:

props.put("myToken", "yourTokenValue");
Replace "yourTokenValue" with the actual token value.

2. In Thread Group 2, use a BeanShell Sampler or JSR223 Sampler with the following script to retrieve the property:

String tokenValue = props.get("myToken");

Now, `tokenValue` will contain the token value you set in Thread Group 1.

Remember to set the language of the script accordingly (e.g., choose Beanshell or Groovy) based on your preference.Please ensure proper synchronization to avoid potential race conditions.

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