Saturday 10 February 2024

Troubleshooting LDAP Protocol Issues in LoadRunner 12.6

LDAP Security Workarounds

LDAP Security Workarounds

In LoadRunner version 12.6, when testing applications using the LDAP protocol, if your script is failing after adding a new layer of security to the LDAP server and importing the necessary certificates to your Windows machine via the MMC portal, there are a few potential workarounds you can try:

  1. Update LoadRunner's Certificate Store: LoadRunner uses its own certificate store, separate from the Windows certificate store. You may need to import the certificates directly into LoadRunner's certificate store. To do this, you can use the LoadRunner Certificate Utility (certUtil), which allows you to manage certificates used by LoadRunner protocols. The utility is typically located in the bin directory of your LoadRunner installation. You can run the utility from the command line and follow the prompts to import the necessary certificates.
  2. Specify Certificate Path in Script: If importing certificates into LoadRunner's certificate store doesn't resolve the issue, you can try specifying the path to the certificate directly in your script. In your VuGen script, you can use the ldap_option function to set the LDAP_OPT_X509_CERT option, providing the path to the certificate file. This approach allows you to explicitly specify which certificate to use for establishing the LDAP connection.
  3. Verify Certificate Compatibility: Ensure that the certificates you've imported are compatible with the LDAP server's security requirements. Some LDAP servers may require specific types of certificates or certificate formats. Double-check with your Dev team or LDAP server administrator to confirm that the certificates you've imported meet the server's expectations.
  4. Check Certificate Trust: Even if the certificates are imported correctly, the LDAP server may not trust them if they're not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Verify that the certificates are issued by a trusted CA and that the LDAP server trusts certificates from that CA. You may need to import the CA's root certificate into LoadRunner's certificate store or specify it in your script.
  5. Debug LDAP Traffic: Enable verbose logging or debug mode in your LoadRunner script to capture detailed information about the LDAP traffic. This can help identify any specific errors or issues encountered during the SSL/TLS handshake process. Analyzing the debug logs can provide insights into why the LDAP connection is failing despite importing the certificates.

By trying these workarounds and troubleshooting steps, you can hopefully resolve the issue with connecting to the LDAP server in LoadRunner version 12.6 despite the new security layer. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to Micro Focus support for further assistance.

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