Monday 8 April 2024

Export the comments for the transaction controller in JMeter to a CSV file

You can export the comments by following these steps:

1. Add a "Simple Data Writer" listener to your test plan. Right-click on the "Thread Group" or any other element in your test plan, then go to Add -> Listener -> Simple Data Writer.

2. Configure the "Simple Data Writer" listener to save the data in CSV format. In the listener settings, specify the filename with a .csv extension (e.g., comments.csv).

3. In the "Write results to file" section of the "Simple Data Writer" listener, select the checkboxes for the data you want to save. To include comments, make sure to check the box next to "Save comments."

4. Run your test plan. Once the test execution is complete, the comments along with other data will be saved to the specified CSV file.

5. Open the CSV file using a text editor or spreadsheet application to view the comments.

This method allows you to export comments along with other data captured during the test execution.

Method 2:

If you don't find the "Save comments" option is in the "Simple Data Writer" listener directly. Instead, you can achieve this by adding a Beanshell PostProcessor to the Transaction Controller.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Add a "Transaction Controller" to your test plan.

2. Inside the Transaction Controller, add the elements you want to measure.

3. Add a "Beanshell PostProcessor" as a child of the Transaction Controller.

4. In the Beanshell PostProcessor, you can use the following script to save the comments to a CSV file:


String comment = prev.getSampleLabel();

try {
    FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter("comments.csv", true);
    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileWriter);
} catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Error while writing to file: " + e.toString());

Replace "comments.csv" with the desired filename for your CSV file.

5. Run your test plan. After execution, the comments will be saved to the specified CSV file.

This script extracts the sample label (comment) of the transaction and appends it to a CSV file.

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