Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Client Interview Question in Load runner

1. How do you gather project requirements?
   Answer: We gather project requirements through meetings with stakeholders, reviewing project documentation, and analyzing existing systems or applications.

2. What are the differences between running Vusers as a process and as a thread?
   Answer: Running Vusers as a process creates separate instances for each user, while running as a thread shares resources among users. Threads are preferred for scalability.

3. Which functions are commonly used in performance testing scripting?
   Answer: Common functions include those for simulating user actions, capturing dynamic values, verifying responses, and managing test flow.

4. What is the workflow process of performance testing?
   Answer: The workflow involves planning, script development, test execution, monitoring, analyzing results, and reporting findings.

5. Have you used LoadRunner's Controller module?
   Answer: Yes, we use LoadRunner's Controller module to manage and execute performance tests, control Vusers, and monitor system resources.

6. How do you design a scenario in LoadRunner's Controller?
   Answer: We design scenarios by defining virtual users, specifying scripts, setting load distribution, configuring runtime settings, and scheduling test execution.

7. Have you written custom functions in your performance testing scripts?
   Answer: Yes, we've written custom functions to handle complex scenarios, manipulate data, and enhance script functionality.

8. What bottlenecks have you identified in your performance testing projects?
   Answer: Bottlenecks include server overloads, network congestion, database issues, inefficient code, and resource limitations.

9. Have you used LoadRunner's goal-oriented scenario feature?
   Answer: Yes, we use goal-oriented scenarios to define performance goals, such as transaction response times or throughput, and let LoadRunner adjust the load to meet these goals.

10. Explain your project's end-to-end performance testing process.
    Answer: Our end-to-end process includes requirement analysis, script development, scenario design, test execution, result analysis, bottleneck resolution, and reporting.

11. Describe your experience in previous performance testing projects.
    Answer: In previous projects, we've conducted load, stress, and endurance testing for various applications, identifying performance issues and optimizing system performance.

12. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate your proficiency in LoadRunner?
    Answer: I would rate myself as an 8 in LoadRunner proficiency, with extensive experience in script development, scenario design, and result analysis.

13. What is a protocol in performance testing?
    Answer: A protocol defines the communication rules between client and server applications, specifying how data is exchanged during performance testing.

14. What is a memory leak?
    Answer: A memory leak occurs when a program fails to release memory it no longer needs, leading to gradual depletion of available memory resources.

15. Define heap usage in performance testing.
    Answer: Heap usage refers to the amount of memory allocated for dynamic memory allocation during program execution, impacting overall system performance.

16. How many users have you simulated in your previous performance tests?
    Answer: In previous tests, we've simulated hundreds to thousands of virtual users to assess system scalability and performance under load.

17. What bottlenecks did you identify in your current project?
    Answer: Critical bottlenecks in our current project include database contention, server CPU utilization spikes, and slow third-party API responses.

18. What recommendations have you provided to clients or stakeholders based on performance test results?
    Answer: Recommendations include infrastructure upgrades, code optimizations, caching strategies, database indexing, and load balancing configurations.

19. What protocols have you worked with in your past experiences?
    Answer: We've worked with protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS, Web Services, Citrix, Oracle NCA, SAP GUI, and others in various performance testing projects.

20. How do you handle heartbeat settings in LoadRunner?
    Answer: We configure heartbeat settings to maintain communication between LoadRunner components and ensure accurate test execution and monitoring.

21. How do you manage work within your performance testing team?
    Answer: We collaborate closely with team members, assign tasks based on expertise, communicate effectively, track progress, and address any challenges promptly.

22. Explain how you would test 10 URLs simultaneously in LoadRunner.
    Answer: We create separate scripts for each URL, configure scenarios with appropriate load distribution, and execute tests concurrently using LoadRunner's Controller.

23. Have you implemented custom functions in your performance testing scripts?
    Answer: Yes, we've implemented custom functions to handle authentication, data manipulation, dynamic correlations, and other specialized tasks.

24. What is your approach when system memory reaches 100% during performance testing?
    Answer: We investigate memory usage patterns, identify memory-intensive processes, optimize memory allocation, and consider hardware upgrades if necessary.

25. What reports and documents do you prepare after completing performance tests?
    Answer: We prepare performance test reports detailing test objectives, methodologies, results analysis, identified issues, recommendations, and action plans.

26. What are the server requirements for installing LoadRunner?
    Answer: Server requirements include sufficient CPU, memory, and disk space to run LoadRunner components, along with network connectivity and appropriate user permissions.

27. What analysis techniques do you use to interpret performance test results?
    Answer: We use techniques such as response time analysis, throughput calculation, error rate assessment, bottleneck identification, and comparison with performance goals.

28. Describe your involvement in previous performance testing projects.
    Answer: In previous projects, we've been involved in requirement gathering, script development, scenario design, test execution, result analysis, and performance optimization.

29. What challenges have you encountered while scripting performance tests?
    Answer: Challenges include dynamic correlations, script parameterization, handling asynchronous requests, simulating realistic user behavior, and troubleshooting script errors.

30. What is the significance of LoadRunner's web_reg_save_param function?
    Answer: The web_reg_save_param function captures dynamic values from server responses, allowing us to correlate data and maintain session state during performance testing.


Unknown said...

hi raviteja garu. plz can you provide the answers for the above questions

Unknown said...

can you give small explanation for each one,if possible

APTRON Delhi said...

Good Post. I like your blog. Thanks for Sharing!
Loadrunner Training in Delhi